
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Haha, double post sorry, but I figure this'll make for a mildly amusing ramble. Did the pokemon quiz again (I tend to retake it every year or so; apart from being that bored, I also find that my answers are beginning to change) and for the first time, I got something completely different from usual - Primeape, then Mewtwo, when most people wouldn't think I'm the least bit angry or resentful. Not blaming the quiz at all; what this actually made me realise is that the things I think now are incredibly pessimistic and self-loathing, but I don't take myself seriously enough to let it register. :b And then I got togetic when I moved some things around, which is what I suppose I'm like to others. No wonder why people stare at me in horror when I happen to blurt out something intended as dark humour, though.

In other news this comment box is actually quite small on modern, ludicrously expansive monitors. Would normally roll with the fact most people don't need nearly as much excess space, but actually quite a few people here seem to type as much as me or more, so… something to put on the to-do list, perhaps!

[15/10/2012 09:56:47]

Commenting on: 10-13-12

Always enjoy reading your updated bios. 8) A bit unfortunate you have to practically disclaimer all your throwaway jokes, haha. It's all good, I get that it needs to be done.
I was interested in conquest from the art alone but upon reading your review I realised that's probably not the sort of game I'm interested in. So hoorah, your effort immediately finds vindication! (Don't worry, I'd probably do proper research if I ever actually bought games within several years of their release.)

[15/10/2012 09:09:06]

Commenting on: 10-13-12

The link to the forums on the About Me section doesn't work. It's looks like the lack of a '.com' is the reason.

[15/10/2012 00:22:57]

Commenting on: 10-08-12

I know that feel. I've been locked out of my old hotmail address for several months now. Those stupid recovery questions DO NOT help.

-__________- Kaw.

[12/10/2012 20:38:01]

Commenting on: 10-08-12

"which I hope to God is merely unnecessary and not because they're actually storing plaintext passwords"

they could also be doing using terrible hashes by which allowing longer passwords would make it easy to produce collisions. but that's possibly even than plaintext password storage, because it implies … well, I don't think that can be attributed to even stupidity.

do wonder how many still haven't gotten the memo about storing passwords as plaintext is Wrong, though.

[12/10/2012 20:25:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The server really is busy. Just wait a bit and then refresh.

[11/10/2012 23:35:20]


What the heck is with the forums being weird? Is it just me? Because my computer keeps saying that the server is too busy. Is that so, or is my computer just being impaired?


[11/10/2012 22:17:09]

Shadow Serenity
Commenting on: 10-08-12

You know, the exact same thing happened to me about two weeks ago, regarding the MSN hotmail thing. I still have not been able to recover the email and just ended up making a new one also, which sucks because that is/was my primary email and I lost 95% of my contacts.

[10/10/2012 06:55:28]

Commenting on: 09-12-12

I love your movie reviews! I was wondering if you were still doing those!

[09/10/2012 21:50:49]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

HTML is a markup language; it describes what part of your page is what.

CSS is a styling language that describes what the different parts of the page should look like.

[06/10/2012 16:27:05]

Website: Sacred Sword


[06/10/2012 10:13:57]


One question: What's the difference between HTML and CSS??

[06/10/2012 07:52:10]




[25/09/2012 04:15:39]


luv u TCoD!

[25/09/2012 01:00:26]

Commenting on: 09-12-12

I RECOMMEND you revise the writing guide.

[22/09/2012 16:51:24]

Commenting on: 09-12-12

Hmm, you might have a point there. I've recently seen two somewhat negative stuff towards Gen 3. Here's one, in case you're curious. And IRL, I'm more used to seeing people who enjoyed the series as kid and no longer keep up with it, making Kanto the favorite by default. So the poll results thus far, where a bit of a surprise to me. Although I've definitely seen a lot of interest in RS remakes and love of Gen 3, I figured that was just a TCoD-thing, rather a general consensus. I can't really speak for other Pokémon communities, though.

[22/09/2012 01:36:59]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-12-12

catherpie: You can always contact me for help with the quiz scripts if you need it.

Spoon: I think public opinion has genuinely shifted, honestly. People prefer the games they grew up with; the older crowd that grew up on the first two generations is now all grown-up and has jobs and probably on average spends less time on the Internet, whereas those who are nostalgic for the third generation are today's bored teens that go around voting in polls on Pokémon websites.

Plus that's the general air I get from most discussions I see today - people are dying for R/S remakes, even as when HG/SS were confirmed people shook their heads and said "Next they'll be remaking R/S!" in tones of scorn.

[21/09/2012 23:09:45]

Commenting on: 09-12-12

Gosh the better quiz scripts option is hardly getting any votes! Can we contact you personally for help with quizzes if they're not done soon?

[21/09/2012 22:42:37]

Commenting on: 09-12-12

Huh, Gen 1 in last and Gen 3 in first. (Well, second-ish.) It looks like TCoD's userbase prefers the unpopular opinion.

[21/09/2012 18:42:38]

Commenting on: 09-14-12

I'm actually in the middle of a variation of the scramble challenge, in which people pick your team for you. In this version, instead of it being completely up to someone else, you make a list of your favorite Pokemon, six of each type, and someone picks out six types they want you to train. The order listed determines which Pokemon you get. For example, if you were given Fire, Water, Grass, Ghost, Dark, and Psychic, you use your favorite Fire-type, second favorite Water-type, and so on.

I had chosen beforehand to try this challenge in my Black version, and ended up having the incredible misfortune of not getting any Unova Pokemon. So I chose to trade my Oshawott for Totodile as soon as possible, and then gradually trade for the rest of my team over the course of the game.

[20/09/2012 04:37:08]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC