
01/01/10: Happy 2010

It's come to the end of two thousand nine,
a year for the world to remember.
Don't know about you, but my year was just fine,
though it's felt like a hectic December.
Now it's two thousand ten with a fresh new start,
and I think this is worthy of cheer:
I hope you had fun, and with all of my heart,
I wish you a happy new year!

Yeah. Don't ask me why I decided to make a new year's poem, but apparently I did. In any case, happy new year, and I hope your 2009 was enjoyable, or at least satisfying to leave behind.

As always, my traditional New Year's Thanks!

  • Dannichu! The London Expo was awesome, but finally meeting you in the flesh was awesomer. Your Christmas present will be a bit late, unfortunately, but it's coming.
  • Espeon! Meeting you was wonderful, too. Thanks for the memories, and I hope to see you again at the next Expo. Both of you.
  • Psychic! Oh, God, I have had so much fun talking to you this year. We still need to do it more.
  • elyvorg! You are generally amazing. If you can make it to the next Expo, it will absolutely make the year 2010 for me. Also, write more LE.
  • opaltiger! I may have met you already, but that didn't make meeting you again at Paddington any less lovely. And thank you for all the beta-reading and second opinions for my fanfics you've provided.
  • Shadey! I love you. You are my favorite person in the world, and believe me when I say I know some pretty darn awesome people. Thanks for having been warm and cuddly and our three wonderful years. You make me happy.
  • Dad! You continue to be one of the coolest people I know. I'm proud to be your daughter.
  • You guys who actually did buy something through the Play-Asia links! I never really expected people to actually go and use them, but the fact it happened is pretty darn cool. Thanks for your support; it is highly appreciated, and I hope you enjoy the games you bought.
  • Everybody else who continues to visit this website. Sorry about the decline in update frequency this year. I'll try to make up for it.
  • Everybody who's done the crossword so far. Come on! I need more entries!
  • Joss Whedon, for making awesome shows.
  • Game Freak, for making HeartGold and SoulSilver unbelievably great. I don't care about the complainers; I think they're without a doubt the best Pokémon games yet.
  • Quentin Tarantino, for providing a name for my awesome Dialga plushie. :P And Inglourious Basterds was great too.

See you all in the January updates once I do something of note.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 01-01-10

Just noticed that the date thingy for this update still thinks its 2010. =P

[03/01/2011 12:37:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-10

Nah; there'll just be a splash for three million front page hits.

[03/01/2010 16:44:24]

Scytherian Poetry
Commenting on: 01-01-10

Time for a new splash for the new year?

[03/01/2010 14:26:19]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

Well steele, we were mentioned in general :D

=o Entei spammy

[02/01/2010 23:16:05]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

HAPPY LATE NEW YEAR! Wait…..My name wasn't on the thanks list……;_;…….Oh well.

[02/01/2010 18:48:25]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

Happy New Year, friends! I hope it is an excellent year for you all! =^w^=

[01/01/2010 19:04:51]

Website: Yeah, My dA
Commenting on: 01-01-10

Yay, not first comment of 2010!

It's good to hear that HG/SS are good. I've seen a lot of complaints, and not much good stuff.

Happy New Year to any who read this!

[01/01/2010 18:34:47]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

Whoo! first comment of 2010!

Happy new year's everyone!

[01/01/2010 07:13:25]

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