
01/01/17: Happy 2017

It's finally 2017. It is widely agreed that 2016 was a bit lousy in the grand scheme of things, but hopefully we can make this one better.

On a purely personal level, though, I had a pretty good 2016, and I have some people to thank for that, as usual:

  • Shadey, the softest loveliest.
  • Negrek, for inviting me back, seeing Hamilton and Flight of the Conchords with me, reviewing every chapter of TQftL posted this year, the continually-excellent Salvage, some really fun drawing suggestions, Intro to Science 101, cheering me up with surprise Salvage extras, poking me about the Dave ramble, and generally cheering on my writing (and drawing) efforts. You are pretty great friend and pretty much made my year on several levels.
  • elyvorg, for continuing to be wonderful, hosting me and visiting us, the Week of Manliness, Uncharted, all the long, long Skype chats, Oh! One True Destined Partner, Sir Ressentiment, and Pokémon Go trips.
  • Dannichu for hosting me yet again, playing AAI2 with me, Happy Valley, Bake-Off, the Expo, and increasing the concentration of lesbians and the ocean on my Tumblr dashboard by about 2000%.
  • surskitty, for generously hosting us, coming along to Flight of the Conchords, finally showing me Spirited Away, Pokémon movies, Saint Young Men, Katamari, and coming to visit.
  • Trinket, for visiting with surskitty, providing me with sprites and data that I don't have the know-how to rip, and generally being pretty awesome.
  • Psychic for meeting up again (and the entire fanfic meetup crew, for that matter, especially Act and Michael for hosting), drawing suggestions and commenting helpfully on them, and being generally supportive and great.
  • opaltiger, for being a great, supportive friend, all the talks ranging from silly to very serious, and keeping Truth going.
  • Espeon, for the most glorious drawing suggestions, chats, and general encouragement. I hope you can finally come to the Expo in 2017!
  • Umbramatic, for lots of silliness, talks, making some pretty glorious fanwork of my stuff which still amazes me, Bear No Fruit, Liberating Glamour, and other pretty adorable fanfics.
  • Chibi Pika, for sharing my fifteenth ficiversary, Palkia Positivity, soldiering on with The Legendarian Chronicles and picking up the pace, and inspiring me to continue drawing with their art.
  • ultraviolet and Music Dragon, for starting Telecod, and all the Telecod regulars. I can't overstate how delighted I am at its success and how it's kept the flame of the forum community alive.
  • My parents, for everything.
  • Game Freak, for twenty years of Pokémon, and for Sun and Moon, which were pretty excellent and more or less exactly what I wanted from the next main series Pokémon games.
  • Niantic, for Pokémon Go, which for all its flaws still delights me.
  • Habitica, for continuing to keep me motivated.
  • Kattholt, the shelter where we got our cat.
  • Everyone who made drawing suggestions to my artblog; so many of them have delighted me, challenged me and generally helped me.
  • TCoD visitors, for still being here after all these years.

I also made a couple of minor updates to the Pokémon Go review and guide, if you care.

Either way, thanks for being with me for this past year, and I hope you all have a great 2017.

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Commenting on: 01-01-17

How on Earth did Neg get tickets to Hamilton?!?!

[03/02/2017 23:43:30]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 01-01-17

lol, no problem. Thanks for indulging all my silly fanfic shenanigans and art requests. You made my year a lot brighter, too. Hope you have a great 2017!

[04/01/2017 17:18:05]

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