
01/01/20: Happy 2020!

And with that, another year has passed! I hope your 2020 lives up to the coolness of the year itself.

I need to be getting to bed, but I would briefly like to give my heartfelt thanks to...

  • ...all of my friends, but a special shoutout to Psychic. I had a really rough time at the beginning of the year and I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been there.
  • ...Shadey, my husband, who I couldn't be happier to share my life with.
  • ...my parents, whom I just love seeing and talking to and as I talk to more people about their parents I feel increasingly lucky with mine.
  • ...my Patreon supporters, for chipping in to support the work that I do.
  • ...everyone who indulged me as I wrote rambling commentary on the entirety of my ridiculous fanfic and followed along with it.
  • ...everyone who played Sutoraiku High.
  • ...elyvorg, who is extremely included under "all of my friends", but also in particular for her ridiculously thorough, really interesting Danganronpa V3 commentary, which I've been thoroughly enjoying this year.
  • ...Hatari, for giving me something new and ridiculous to enjoy during my unemployment.
  • ...Vince Gilligan, for Breaking Bad, which is still my favorite thing (I am now working on episode commentaries).
  • ...all of you guys still visiting this website.
  • ...my cat Birta, who is the softest embodiment of sunshine.

Here's to more content in this coming year! I am currently doing some Colosseum research, will try to get some kind of vaguely adequate Gen VIII Favorite Pokémon Picker working, and will revamp those last few reviews so I can move on to the later movies. Plus various other plans and bits of plans.

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330 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Joshua A
Commenting on: 01-01-20

Happy New Year! I look forward to your updates favorites picker with Gen VIII pokes!

[09/01/2020 16:11:45]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-20

Nope, I haven't played Pokémon Masters at all. I'm not really that interested in it; I'm not much of a mobile gamer, and whereas Pokémon Go has the novelty of the whole moving around in real life thing and is mostly just something I can bring out while I happen to be walking around, Masters would just be another distraction when I already have far too little time on my hands! I make time for the main series games, and interesting-sounding story-based games that I want to experience as stories, but by and large I otherwise can't really justify playing other video games to myself when I've got so much else I ought to be doing.

[06/01/2020 14:11:19]

Website: Click here
Commenting on: 01-01-20

happy new year! i found your website years ago when i was much younger and i'm glad that it's still up and running. i enjoy coming back here quite a bit, so thank you! have you played pokemon masters?

[06/01/2020 09:59:49]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 01-01-20

Happy new year! I hope you have an awesome 2020. And Colosseum research, hmm? I'm intrigued…

[02/01/2020 21:33:12]

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