
02/20/10: Twenty

In what is almost definitely the most spectacularly pointless thing I have ever done for this site, I just made a snippet of code to automatically convert my numeric age into the wordy equivalent on my About Me page. So instead of saying I'm "20 years old at the moment", it now says I'm "twenty years old at the moment", and next year it will go on to automatically say I'm "twenty-one", and so on. Well, admittedly it will resort back to numbers when I get to a hundred, but the write-out-numbers rule mainly applies to numbers under that anyway, so there's no need to worry about that.

You might think this was just a random spur-of-the-moment thing, but no, the fact it wrote out a number has been bothering the hell out of me ever since I made the script to calculate my actual age so I wouldn't have to manually update it every year and this has pretty much been on my to-do list ever since. I think I've spent too much time telling fanfiction writers to write out numbers with letters.

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Commenting on: 02-20-10

Lol, nice xD And it seems only yesterday that you posted it was your birthday and wrote Sections that Suck, wow, time goes by really fast. I feel old :P (not really, I'm 14…)

[21/02/2010 05:30:50]

Commenting on: 02-20-10

perl-ers have been able to do this for years.


you only need 10log(max)/log(10)+10 cases in any case. of course, style rules seem to indicate that you should stop using words at 100, so.

[21/02/2010 03:31:38]

Commenting on: 02-20-10

perl-ers have been able to do this for years.


you only need 10log(max)/log(10)+10 cases in any case. of course, style rules seem to indicate that you should stop using words at 100, so.

[21/02/2010 03:31:17]

Commenting on: 02-20-10

That is awesome. xD

[20/02/2010 19:14:44]

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