
02/28/19: Let's Go

I have finally finished my Let's Go review. As usual, it's a lot of complaining followed by telling you actually I really enjoyed it (but please let me battle wild Pokémon).

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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-28-19

We didn't see a lot, but I approve of what we did see. The game looks gorgeous and I can't wait to see more. I was hoping we'd get Pokémon following us, since it seems like it was a scrapped feature for Sun and Moon too rather than something spun off specifically for Let's Go (and then again, maybe it is still possible), but otherwise I'm happy with what we have.

[02/03/2019 01:09:57]

Commenting on: 02-28-19

Out of curiosity, what's your opinion on the Sword and Shield Direct?

[01/03/2019 23:09:56]

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