
03/03/18: Nest Ball Corrections

I finally got a good chance to look into that report I got quite a while back about Nest Balls failing on supposedly guaranteed captures in US/UM. To make a long story short, it turns out SciresM was wrong about Nest Balls having been boosted in Sun and Moon; they're actually exactly the same as they were in Gen VI. Trinket has verified the other ball bonus changes SciresM reported for S/M were correct, though, so that looks like the only error. I've updated my capture mechanics page and calculator accordingly (and also added info on the Roto Catch bonus, which I'd forgotten to add; it's identical to a max O-Power). Additionally, originally I'd missed the fact the Nest Ball immediately returns a bonus of 1 if the Pokémon is level 30+, both in Gen VI and VII - the formula as written would have had a level 30 Pokémon get a 1.1 multiplier, but it's actually just 1 - a very small difference affecting only the tiniest minority of cases, but I'm still annoyed at myself for not getting that right. That's also been fixed now.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused, and in the future I will try harder to verify these sorts of changes.

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482 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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