
03/12/11: New Sprite Generator

Me, actually making the sprite generator update I promised to make? No way! :o

But yes. The new sprite generator looks and feels more or less like the Platinum and HG/SS ones, but has the sprites from every game in it - including all the previous generations - and also includes back sprites and Crystal/Emerald animations. I discovered and fixed a few weird bugs like fifty Pokémon's Platinum sprites that didn't exist for some reason, but there could well be more such bugs, so if you find any, tell me.

With this new sprite generator, it should finally be really easy to add a new game's sprites to it, so hopefully I won't procrastinate with updating it for future releases.

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139 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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Website: Ganium
Commenting on: 03-12-11

-is happy about this-

[14/03/2011 09:43:26]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-12-11

They're the same as the male ones. It shows it that way to show a complete set of what a female Buizel's sprites will look like, rather than just the ones that are different from the males.

[13/03/2011 03:14:48]

Commenting on: 03-12-11

Oh, sorry. That was intentional.

You should add a joke thing for Spinda, just in case someone expects ALL OF THE SPOT PATTERNS for it.

[13/03/2011 03:11:50]

Commenting on: 03-12-11

Why are there female front sprites for Buizel?

[13/03/2011 03:07:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-12-11

Missing Platinum sprites should all be there now.

[13/03/2011 00:43:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-12-11

Okay, I'm pretty sure the female back sprites have all been fixed now. Still have to get those missing Platinum frame 2 sprites in; they're numbers 67-133 in the National Pokédex.

[13/03/2011 00:06:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-12-11

The reason some female back sprites are "missing" is actually that there are no female back sprites for those Pokémon - the gender differences are only visible from the front. I'm working on just having it display the male in those cases.

Those missing Platinum sprites, on the other hand, are another one of those bizarre gaps. Gah.

[12/03/2011 22:42:54]

Commenting on: 03-12-11

Cacturne, Abomasnow, Wobbuffet, Staraptor, Pachirisu, Combee, and Bibarel are missing female back sprites. Wobbuffet's are missing from B/W only; the rest's are missing from D/P onward. (There may be others, but I didn't see them!)

[12/03/2011 22:04:49]

Commenting on: 03-12-11

While the new generator is quite useful, I've noticed some problems regarding the Platinum sprites - some Pokémon have Front Normal Frame 2 sprites missing, and others will have the Back Female sprites missing.

[12/03/2011 21:53:24]

Page last modified November 2 2024 at 17:42 UTC