
03/13/10: Splash Prepared

Since we're getting very close to three million front page hits, I whipped up a new splash that will take the current one's place once the counter gets there. It's not as artistic as I'd have liked, but to make up for it, it does introduce the site's newest mascot.

In other news, HeartGold and SoulSilver come out in the US tomorrow. Whoo. I won't be getting it until the European release, but I'll see what I can do with regards to getting the inevitable HG/SS Changes section up sometime next week anyway (it will have both changes from D/P and from G/S/C!). And I'll get that tenth movie review done, really.

UPDATE EDIT: Since we've passed the milestone, the new splash is here, and I've now added Quentin the Dialga plushie to the mascot page.

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713 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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Commenting on: 03-13-10

OT: Yeah I changed my name from Shadow420 to this.

Another movie review. I've read them all so far and I'd have to say I like your critiquing.

[25/03/2010 04:54:02]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Er…. shouldn't the Play-Asia thing say buy the English version of HG/SS now that it's out?

[20/03/2010 18:06:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-13-10

I've actually never watched Doctor Who, though elyvorg has been bugging me to do so for ages and I will eventually. But I do know what time lords are and figured it would amuse the Brits here, so.

[18/03/2010 20:53:02]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Great splash the look on Charizard's face. Perhaps the Brittishness of the expo has brused off. Time Lord. Have you perhaps become a Doctor Who fan?

[18/03/2010 20:11:29]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

sweet. i've only been to this website once before, but i think i might be a regular visitor.

[17/03/2010 20:39:01]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Ahw, I'm sad that the splash-naming pattern has been broken. :P

[16/03/2010 15:54:25]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Aww. Oh well, a storyline/game sounds just as good :D You always find a way to make it interesting, haha.

[14/03/2010 20:17:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-13-10

…comics? No way; there are a multitude of reasons why I would never ever be capable of drawing a comic. :/ I might make a game involving Quentin, a la Magikarp: the Gathering, or make a 'storyline' out of it in some other sense, but all such ideas are only at a very rough stage right now and I don't know if anything becomes of them.

[14/03/2010 04:33:47]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Oh, will this mean we get some comics to figure out who Mr. Time Lord is?

[14/03/2010 03:52:00]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

that's such a cute splash. x} Charizard's facial expression at this angle is priceless! :D

[14/03/2010 03:48:38]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

That is a cool plushie. So the mascots page will be updated too? I'd like to hear more about Quentin, he sounds kinda funny just showing up.

[13/03/2010 23:09:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-13-10

Yes, that's the plushie I got at the Expo.

A special nod must go to Dannichu for this splash page, because in addition to being why I went to the Expo in the first place, she is also the one who gave me the Charizard and Butterfree figurines seen on the splash photo. None of this would have been possible without her.

[13/03/2010 22:06:42]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

Is that the plushie you got at the London Expo? That's pretty cool. o3o The Splash made me giggle.

Nya nya, we get HeartGold/SoulSilver before you. :P

[13/03/2010 21:59:43]

Commenting on: 03-13-10

… I want that plushie. D:

[13/03/2010 20:42:59]

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