
04/01/12: April Fools

Yes, yesterday's update was an April Fools' joke. I would start to go on about how surprised I am that people actually bought it, but I kind of already did that on the new April Fools' joke archive I just created to keep a record of all the April Fools' Day jokes the site has had over the years. So look there for the explanation of why this site will never actually be translated into Icelandic and how you can still generate Icelandic Zodiac images.

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742 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-12

Kind of. It was really just the first thing I thought of while still looking at his name. :P

[03/04/2012 14:05:33]

Commenting on: 04-01-12

I noticed that the joke that involved "DRAG on Flyc ave." had your father as one of the "satisfied customers". And is "William Doors" a reference to his name?

[03/04/2012 11:04:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-12

No. You're thinking of my dad's website, which has always been at http://www.vilhjalmur.com, and was therefore sometimes stumbled upon by my visitors when the site's main URL was http://www.vilhjalmur.com/butterfree.

[03/04/2012 10:59:19]

Mouse Tourmaline
Commenting on: 04-01-12

Wasn't there once a year when you redirected the site address into something beginning with V, and it was a (n Icelandic?) tribute to some bloke? Or am I dreaming this?

[03/04/2012 10:36:53]

Commenting on: 04-01-12

Lol, I thought it was hilarious that some people actually believed it. I'd sooner believe Ash dumped Pikachu XD

[03/04/2012 02:10:28]

Commenting on: 04-01-12

The hypertext on the '04 prank (to the Oldie style) doesn't work. It just sends you to the homepage, not changing styles at all.

[02/04/2012 17:36:22]

Commenting on: 04-01-12

I'd never seen much Icelandic before, so I thought it was pretty cool - not that I understood anything. How long did it take to set up?

[02/04/2012 17:21:19]

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