
04/01/15: Acquisition

We are proud to announce that THE CAVE OF DRAGONFLIES® has been acquired by Daybreak Recreation & Activities Group Productions, Ltd. We are incredibly excited for this opportunity to give back to the community and help this great website respond to the changing demands of the modern Web.

We have begun by releasing a brand-new, responsive mobile-first design across the website, to better reflect the web design sensibilities of the modern age. The new layout includes stronger branding and a sleek, modern, professional look and feel that users will appreciate, as well as scaling elegantly down to mobile devices.

Rest assured that we will continue to produce the quality POKÉMON™ content you have come to expect from THE CAVE OF DRAGONFLIES®. Moreover, we will strive to engage an even wider and more diverse audience than the website has previously reached by emphasizing shareability and enticing titles. Today we are proud to release a new original article that we hope will get you excited for the new direction the site is headed, entitled, "You Won't Believe These Bizarre Glitches Elite Hackers Have Discovered in the Pokémon Games".

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, including brand-new ways to engage with all of THE CAVE OF DRAGONFLIES®' 150+ pages of original content across a wide variety of social media and new and intriguing monetization opportunities. We hope you are as excited about our plans for THE CAVE OF DRAGONFLIES® as we are!

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Arylett Charnoa
Website: DeviantArt
Commenting on: 04-01-15

Speaking frankly, I really do like this style and am glad that the only annoying thing about it (the huge banner) has been fixed. I browse a lot from my phone nowadays and I think it's really awesome. I agree that the banner art is beautiful.

Kinda silly that it took an April Fools Joke for this site to join the modern age , but I'd say it's one of the best I've seen as it legitimately made an improvement rather than being an obvious and somewhat pointless prank. (Not a fan of April Fools myself) Although I did appreciate the jab at over the top market speak, as I really find that irritating and it's just so damn common nowadays.

But yeah. Good job on the layout! It has inspired me to infuse a little more modernness into mine.

[02/04/2015 18:31:56]

Commenting on: 04-01-15

You'll change the site back after April Fools' Day, right?

[02/04/2015 12:07:34]

Commenting on: 04-01-15

LOL; got me for a minute there! (Wonder if this comment will show up or not)

[01/04/2015 23:25:57]

Commenting on: 04-01-15

quite pleased to see the direction this website is going! good luck for the future, DRAG!

[01/04/2015 22:05:17]

Commenting on: 04-01-15

Ooh, nice! This is great news. XD

[01/04/2015 12:05:47]

Commenting on: 04-01-15

Ooh, nice! This is great news. XD

[01/04/2015 12:05:46]

Commenting on: 04-01-15

charizardscooltailflame thinks "You Won't Believe These Bizarre Glitches Elite Hackers Have Discovered…" is LOL, WIN and YAAASS

[01/04/2015 12:04:49]

Commenting on: 04-01-15

DRAG strikes again! Nice one. lol

[01/04/2015 04:00:57]

Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 04-01-15

I've been waiting for a big change to The Cave of Dragonflies for a while now! Wow! I love the new look, and I loved the new article even more. What a great one, so detailed and everything. Keep it up, Daybreak Recreation & Activities Group Productions, Ltd.!

[01/04/2015 02:22:48]

Page last modified November 2 2024 at 17:42 UTC