
04/04/10: HG/SS Capture Mechanics

And the promised update to confirm the HG/SS data for the capture mechanics is here, with many, many thanks to a_magical_me. This is actually pretty fascinating stuff; while the workings of most of the balls are technically indeed the same as that G/S/C data and I seem to remember it being previously reported somewhere that the Fast Ball now gives its bonus for Pokémon with a base Speed of at least 100, what we just realized (and tested, mind you) is that unlike the other balls that use the built-in ball bonus multiplier in the formula, the Apricorn balls can never give a Pokémon a better catch rate than 33% at full health! Seriously, go take a look. This is cool and you haven't seen it anywhere else.

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893 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-04-10

…wait, you're throwing Heavy Balls at Ho-oh? Which weighs 438.7 lbs? That's under the minimum weight needed to get the +20 bonus for the Heavy Ball; you're actually getting a -20. Yeah, stop using those Heavy Balls right now. You'd be better off with a Poké Ball.

[12/04/2010 00:49:22]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-04-10

How low health? If you've been underestimating it, that could skew the results. Plus that the six balls are only an average; it can easily take you far more or you could catch it in the first ball without it meaning there is anything off with the catch rates.

[12/04/2010 00:46:30]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

I'll be damned if the Apricorn Ball catch rates are actually what the page says they are. I've been lobbing Heavy Balls at a low health, sleeping Ho-oh for a while now (having to reset several times since I only have 12) and even though the page writes "6 balls needed on average" Ho-oh keeps breaking out after only one or no shakes. >(

[11/04/2010 21:49:15]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

I knew something was up when the stupid Love Balls didn't do crap when I was trying to get Latios. Thanks for correcting all those other misconceptions, too. Just another thing to make me love this site more. :3

[06/04/2010 03:27:46]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

Out of curiosity, how do mud and bait affect capture rates in the Safari Zone?

[06/04/2010 00:07:49]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

Man, this has messed with my mind for the past few days. My mind is still using the fanon method, while I'm trying to 're'-learn the actual method.

It seems when the first formula is found it's taken as fact before being confirm. It's also interesting how complex these formulas are. (To me at least, given that I'm in Algebra 2.

[05/04/2010 21:45:25]

Commenting on: 04-04-10

Yay! I'm helpful!

[05/04/2010 06:47:14]

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