
04/18/07: Quest for the Legends fans rejoice!

Faithful to the poll results, I focused on writing, and it paid off: two major writing sprees later, both chapter six of the IALCOTN and chapter 34 of the ILCOE are up. Note, to grasp the full significance of this, that chapter five of the IALCOTN was finished on September 16th last year and chapter 33 of the ILCOE was finished on October 8th last year. As in it's been a while and everybody was going crazy (as shown by those poll results - I'll never properly grasp just why so many people seem to be desperately in love with that fic).

Now that I've fulfilled the first promise, I guess it's style-making time according to the poll. Note, however, that technically I shouldn't be updating; I'm getting a new computer which is in fact my dad's old computer where all the local copies of the site files are stored, and that computer has been lying on my floor, obviously turned off, for the past week or so, meaning I haven't actually been able to access the local files. Right now I'm updating straight on the server, and I'd prefer to do as little of that as possible since that means having to move some files "backwards", from the server to the local computer, which is a bit of a hassle compared to the ordinary process. So basically, I don't think I'll actually get to work on that until I've got the new computer all set up.

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