
04/28/04: Just a small note...

There is a certain problem I've gotten a lot of error reports about. This is in two parts.

One: If you change something on the small drop-downs, nothing happens. This is due to the fact that it doesn't load the new stylesheet/music until you either refresh the page or click a link on the side menu. Basically, refresh after you've picked the style and things will be a lot easier. I might fix that very soon so that it happens right away.

Two: If you change the music, but not the style, and then click a link or refresh the page, it becomes styleless (white with everything looking crazy). This is because for whatever reason, the style cookie is replaced when you change the music. To fix this, select a new style from the drop-down and refresh the page. I intend on fixing that as soon as possible.

I might add that if the page appears styleless even after you've selected a new style, your browser probably doesn't support stylesheets or something. Get one of the ones listed on the splash page, they've been confirmed to render the pages correctly and are free for download online.

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