
05/06/09: D/P/Pt Locations

So instead of just making a Platinum Locations section, I entirely redid the D/P locations to both include Platinum info and be set up completely differently. The result is the D/P/Pt Locations section I just finished after spending more or less all my free time working on it for the past week. Hopefully the presentation is now more intuitive and easier to understand (though I still recommend reading over "How to read this section" so I won't get fifteen billion e-mails asking me why the percentages add up to more than 100%).

I'm going to redo the Pokédex checklist script as well, both to include Platinum and hopefully to be both faster and give more accurate results. Then there's just the Platinum Vs. Seeker...

UPDATE EDIT 05/07/09: I added some information about Feebas tiles under "Notes" for Mt. Coronet after happening to glance at an old error report that brought up the lack of such information in the old section, which reminded me I meant to add that. Since now the notes for both the Trophy Garden and the Great Marsh list the random daily Pokémon possible, searching the page with Ctrl+F for any non-legendary Pokémon it is possible to find in the wild anywhere other than honey trees should now always get you accurate information, and if you get no results even when the page has fully loaded, it should be safe to assume the Pokémon is not found in the wild at all.

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039 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-06-09

Yes, it can - it's just a bit more difficult. I considered it when I replaced the D/P/Pt locations, and I eventually concluded that making it a bit more challenging really doesn't hurt.

[23/05/2009 10:02:07]

Commenting on: 05-06-09

Because of the new Locations guide, the Magikarp: tG can't be completed.

[23/05/2009 02:48:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-06-09

It's called "The Number Game" and is under "Fun" on the menu.

[18/05/2009 03:42:18]

Commenting on: 05-06-09

I know this is rather off-topic, but did you delete the "Memorizing Pokemon" page? I can't find it anywhere and was planning on finally trying it out.

If so, do you know of any website that serves as a replacement? Thanks.

[18/05/2009 01:38:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-06-09

R'o: Already did; I meant to put up the latest article on Tuesday, but there were problems with the server.

[14/05/2009 22:58:31]

Commenting on: 05-06-09

You should update COST with the news of the new Gold/Silver remakes. I'm interested to see what witty commentary you would give to the news.

[14/05/2009 20:37:32]

Commenting on: 05-06-09

You should still make a crossword soon. It's been too long since I've killed my brain trying to answer annoyingly hard questions!

[13/05/2009 21:45:45]

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