
05/12/07: Okay, here's your style.

Articuno Snowflake style is here. I'll just copy and paste what I wrote about it in the Style Switcher section:

A light blue, wintery style that takes on the challenge of creating an image-based style that nonetheless will stretch to fit any resolution or user font size within reason. I think it came out great, personally. The slogan has been changed to "Where the weak and strong are sheltered from the winter cold..." It is also notable for excessive use of alpha-transparent PNG images. I took the licence to do this as Internet Explorer 7 is out and it supports alpha-transparent PNGs unlike Internet Explorer 6; however, this means that it will without a doubt look absolutely horrid in IE6, so I really mean that [!ie] tag. It also uses snowflake brushes from 500ml Brushes.

Yeah. In the old poll, Articuno style came in third of the old styles to be adapted after Mew style and Houndoom style which have both already been remade. Of course, it recycles practically nothing but the mascot Pokémon from the original, since I went with creating an image-based one, but I did that with Voice of the Forest style too and you didn't complain, so I'll just assume you won't hate this change either. I think it's pretty, myself.

Forum version coming whenever I get around to it. Image-based styles are a major bother to adapt to the forums.

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