
05/31/10: The Penultimate Peril of the Pokémorphs

Morphic it is. Here's Chapter 13. I should warn you this is a very brutal and violent chapter and if you were hoping for sunshine and rainbows you should probably stay very far away from it.

If you read the update heading, yes, this is the second-to-last chapter. And yes, that is a reference to A Series of Unfortunate Events.

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Commenting on: 05-31-10

I hate sunshine and rainbows anyway. D< -squees over chapter-

Jeebus, I should stop reading these comments before reading. o3o"

[11/06/2010 16:29:29]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Hm, thanks for the clarification. Clearly it's been a while since I read the chapter that explained the Slugma morph attributes.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if every one of the morphs ended up dead at the end. Guess I'll have to wait to find out, though.

[06/06/2010 17:48:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-31-10

I only said I didn't fully decide who was going to die until I was writing the chapter, not that I knew nothing at all - Mia was the one who was definitely going to die (specifically, shot from behind with a psychotic grin on her face after finally indulging her innate bloodlust and murdering a guy - that was one of those little scenes I have floating in my head way before I ever write them down).

It probably should be in spoiler tags, but since everybody's spoiled it already and there is no comment editing, eh. :/ I mean, I could make a special feature to let me edit the comments, but it would take an awful lot of time.

[06/06/2010 05:03:41]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

As soon as I began the chapter, I knew someone would die, but I still wish it wasn't Felicia and Will :( But you are an amazing writer, and I need to know how this ends!

Also, I read A Series of Unfortunate Events too XD

[06/06/2010 05:03:12]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Wait, Mia wasn't planned to die? I feel like she must have, although Will and Katherine, as the characters I see as the least developed, fit perfectly.

[06/06/2010 02:17:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-31-10

His skin isn't made of lava; it's pathetic, warmish, gooey slime that couldn't burn its way through anything. However, that's because his Slugma cells have been starved all his life and hence don't produce the heat they normally would. Once he figures out the whole absorbing-minerals thing, it gives his Slugma part the energy to start becoming actually useful and give him actual powers, which he'd never had before.

Even if Mia's scythes were strong enough to deflect bullets and she were somehow superhumanly fast enough to actively block a bullet that's flying towards her, that wouldn't matter because she was shot in the back of the head with no warning. She was dead before she even knew somebody had come in behind her. Blocking simply doesn't enter into the equation.

[05/06/2010 23:06:05]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Well, it's not like I didn't expect anything to go wrong in the rescue attempt. I just didn't think it would be such a bloody massacre. And the part with Felicia was the worst of all.

Also, if I were captured and my skin were made of lava, I think my first instinct would be to burn my way out. I'm surprised it took the Slugma kid so long to think of it.

[05/06/2010 18:13:46]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-31-10

…not to mention that it was obvious that there is no way a group of kids with some scraps of Pokémon powers facing off against a group of armed men who want to kill them are going to do anything but lose horribly.

It was planned as a miserable failure, though I didn't fully decide who was going to bite it until I was writing the chapter.

Mostly, the only reason they got Felicia in the first place was Jack's "have her sniff out where they took Gabriel" idea; at that time they weren't actually thinking about doing a lot of fighting to begin with, figuring if they found the place they could probably sneak in mostly unseen and try to take them by surprise, and by the time they were truly starting to appreciate how dangerous this was, they were back in Grace City and it would be nearly an hour's drive one way to Peter and Katherine's place (a ranch outside of Taillow Springs).

At least that's my in-universe excuse, but the reason I didn't have any Pokémon other than Felicia appear, neither on the morphs' side nor the church's, was really because I honestly just didn't want this to turn into a huge Pokémon battle; it would take the focus away from the actual characters you know and are supposed to care about. Felicia works for effect, when she seems like what's going to turn everything around and save them but then just gets shot before she manages to do anything, but I don't think having another Pokémon involved would really do anything for the story, and so I try to arrange things such as to make that plausible.

[05/06/2010 16:29:31]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

holy moly. first off, you read a series of unfortunate events, so that makes you even more awesome in my head. secondly, i didnt even know about the morphic until today, and i just read the entire thing up until the now finished chapter. PLEASE FINISH THIS!!! KEEP WRITING THIS INSTEAD OF THE QUEST FOR THE LEGENDS!!! PLEASE, I NEED TO KNOW THE ENDING!!!

btw, you are an amazing writer. =D

[05/06/2010 10:06:21]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Looking again, it was even more obvious - Jack thinks it will "all work out fine?" You've had this planned, huh?

Also, why didn't Peter bring Lily? I realize she would have died too, just asking.

[05/06/2010 07:50:43]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Bwahahaha, it amuses me that everyone didn't see this coming. This is Butterfree we're talking about, morbidity is her specialty. Sure, this makes me sad, but surprising? No. Only because you're the writer though. It's shocking, but not surprising.

Yay Gabriel! I started laughing when he tried to eat because it seemed a bit obvious he needed to absorb it. WIll was not one of my favorite characters… Katherine was also pretty normal in ranking, but Mia… now that's disappointing. And Felicia. I'm glad Peter isn't dead though, I love him.

[05/06/2010 07:41:27]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Please don't explain stuff like that. It's lame.

[05/06/2010 03:01:54]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Oh my goodness. That was disgustingly morbid! How the hell do you sleep at night?

Holy crap. I think I'm gonna go lie down for a while…

[04/06/2010 21:47:16]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Definately the best chapter yet. Please finish Fourteen soon, I'm dying to find out the ending.

[04/06/2010 02:06:06]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

"The only ones confirmed dead, via having been seen shot in the head, are Will and Mia (and poor Felicia). The others' fate is entirely ambiguous for now."

But you killed them anyway, didn't you? >_>;


[02/06/2010 20:13:50]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

…..Can't get more messed up than that…..

I love it, though.

Aw, just got meowth(poor Will…) as the spam verification :(

[02/06/2010 00:22:47]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Love the ASoUE reference~

[01/06/2010 23:01:11]

Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 05-31-10


[01/06/2010 21:58:23]

Luca Rio
Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 05-31-10


[01/06/2010 13:12:00]

Commenting on: 05-31-10

Butterfree reads ASoUE? :O Have my children.

[01/06/2010 11:38:35]

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