
06/10/06: @_@

I have a job now. It is the best job ever (I get to sit by a computer all day and create stylesheets, which is basically exactly what I do when I create new styles for this site - those of you who were around before October last year will know that I just love making stylesheets) but unfortunately it occupies most of my time on workdays. (Meanwhile, the free time I have goes to a large extent into curling up in the sofa and reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which I recently realized I seriously had to get around to finishing.) Therefore, I'm afraid that there is no June crossword or other notable updates yet, which I'm very sorry for.

A small message for readers of The Quest for the Legends: Chapter 32 is six pages in, but it will be rather long. Have patience. (Yes, I know chapter 31 was put up in March.) It will be fun, though.

To the only actual update: I fixed an error in the Flying quiz.

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