
07/25/17: Picker Polish

The "Final evolutions only" box on the Favorite Pokémon Picker now actually works as intended, after having had a bug with Pokémon that gained final evolutions in a subsequent generation. If you had a previous picker state, the picker should offer to simply add the remaining Pokémon.

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Commenting on: 07-25-17

Excaliber: It seems to be a common request, so yeah, it's on my list.

Cameron: Whenever a Pokémon is added to your found favorites, all Pokémon that were eliminated by that Pokémon will come back. So, if you picked some Pokémon X in the first round over nineteen random Pokémon, and then at some later point Pokémon X gets added to your Found Favorites, those nineteen random Pokémon will come back. This is because for all the picker knows, your next favorite is one of those nineteen - all it knows is that you like Pokémon X more than any of them. The picker is based on elimination and not on keeping track of how often you've picked individual Pokémon - there's an explanation of how it works on the page if you're curious.

[21/08/2017 20:28:07]

Commenting on: 07-25-17

Why does the Favorite Picker suddenly make a bunch of Pokemon i've never chosen pop up? It happens shortly after choosing the top ten or so.
I apologize that this isn't directly to you, but I couldn't find your contact info.

[21/08/2017 08:41:59]

Commenting on: 07-25-17

I don't know if anyone has asked this yet, but are you planning on making it so that the favorite picker can be limited by type? That would definately make the experience much more fun

[09/08/2017 12:10:47]

Page last modified November 2 2024 at 17:42 UTC