
07/28/09: Platinum Change

I just added a new Platinum change. See if you can find it and then speculate about why I would happen to have discovered this particular change now. :P

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220 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 07-28-09

Wow. Last night I had a dream that I was looking at this website, and Butterfree had a new update saying "Okay, the Platinum change I mentioned yesterday was ___ (I forgot what it was, but I think it had something to do with shiny Pokémon…), but I realized that change wasn't really there and removed it". O_o I had a TcoD dream!

As for the change, I have no idea… probably because I don't have Platinum yet. XD;;;;

Hey, Totodile for the spam thingy. Arceus is telling me to pre-order HG/SS as soon as I can! *shot*

[01/08/2009 22:59:13]

Mow Rotom
Commenting on: 07-28-09

Accually, Cindaquazy, they kinda are. *HINT HINT*


[30/07/2009 18:37:36]

Website: Cyndaquazy's Site
Commenting on: 07-28-09

This challenge is made even harder with the fact that the changes aren't in chronological order… Hmmm gonna take a long while for me, if not forever…

[29/07/2009 23:54:16]

Emerald Espeon
Commenting on: 07-28-09

I'm guessing the new Platinum change is the VS Seeker one…you're making the Platinum VS Seeker page? :D

[29/07/2009 21:56:17]

Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 07-28-09

Ohhh, I see. That makes sense. Haha…. *feels out of place for some reason*

[29/07/2009 20:49:58]

Mow Rotom
Commenting on: 07-28-09

Wow, Butterfree it's about time. :P

[29/07/2009 18:18:56]

Commenting on: 07-28-09

Well, I haven't noticed what it is XD And yay, update :D

[29/07/2009 03:54:36]

Website: Pikachu's Plaza
Commenting on: 07-28-09

Oh yes. I didn't notice that at all. :P

In response to the previous comment:Oh, oh yes she is…

[29/07/2009 03:47:39]

Who am I? Hmhmmm
Commenting on: 07-28-09

I have no idea.

You're making a Platinum Vs Seeker page, aren't you…

[29/07/2009 03:33:19]

Page last modified November 2 2024 at 17:42 UTC