
08/08/16: Welcome to the new Cave of Dragonflies!

Hello from the new server! If you're seeing this update, you're successfully being directed to the shiny new version of the site, on a new server, running on an all-new backend.

You are probably not very impressed, because the site looks identical to how it did before, but the entire thing has actually been remade from scratch behind the scenes. This does mean that everything is effectively new right now - there might be bugs or other oversights I made in the porting. I'd be extremely grateful if you would report any oddities you bump into - and this very much includes any old links that no longer work, by the way, since I've made an effort to make everything redirect to its new location despite the major reshuffling of the site's URLs.

I'll probably be spending the next few days doing some extra testing, smoothing out any remaining issues and making a number of behind-the-scenes improvements, but after that, I can finally get back to working on some new content. Thanks for your patience during this lengthy transition! Hopefully I will never have to do this again.

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654 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-08-16

Fixed, thanks.

[26/08/2016 12:34:53]

Commenting on: 08-08-16

the april fools 2012 page (in icelandic) isn't working

[26/08/2016 09:31:55]

Commenting on: 08-08-16

@Butterfree That would be absolutely amazing. :D I really hope you do that,

[09/08/2016 19:54:51]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 08-08-16

Ah, I gotcha. I guess since I never felt inclined to look for different version sprites, I never noticed that functionality before yesterday.

You done need to fix the forum sprites too, though.

[09/08/2016 19:50:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-08-16

Unfortunately practical concerns have to, and should, take precedence over nostalgia! The old pages used to have the old layout because they'd been left untouched when I originally made the new layout, but for this port, I had to recreate the entire site - the server the site is running on now literally can't run the code that the old pages used to run on. There was no way to simply keep the old pages as they were.

If it'd make you happy, though, I could specially recreate the old layout as an easter egg kind of thing, which'd make it possible to view any page in the old layout (and thus any of the old styles) if you so chose. :P

(When I say if it'd make you happy, I mean I'd actually kind of enjoy doing that anyway, because I get a kick out of doing stuff like that - see the existence of Oldie style.)

[09/08/2016 18:06:38]

Commenting on: 08-08-16

I have to say… I'm very disappointed that the old pages now have the new site's styleswitcher. One of my favorite aspects of reading old pages was looking at the old styles I remember from my childhood, making the site look like how it was back then and increasing the nostalgia. Now that's all gone. D:

[09/08/2016 12:55:49]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-08-16

Whoops, fixed the sprite generator (although the old sprite paths still work; it was just using relative paths, and the new URL has it in a subdirectory).

The graying-out thing has definitely always worked that way, though; I didn't change anything about the actual script. Specifically, what those radio buttons do when you've already generated some sprites is switch to that version's sprites, so if one of the generated Pokémon does not exist in earlier generations, then the buttons are grayed out because there is no R/G sprite of Glaceon that it could show you. I agree it'd probably be more useful to just let you select it and show (unavailable in this version) or something, though.

[09/08/2016 07:37:00]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 08-08-16

Congrats on finishing! Looking forward to new content. I know you should have the material for some movie reviews, at least. (My personal review of the Victini movie: 1) aww, Victini is cute 2) wtf is happening.)

The sprite generator is still using the old sprite paths, so the sprites it generates are broken. Also, if the sprites generated are from a generation later than 1, all the earlier generations end up grayed out/unselectable. For example, I had it set to Pt sprites, one of the pokemon generated was glaceon, and then after that I couldn't change the version to R/G because it had been grayed out. I don't think it did that before? Not sure if it's a feature, but it doesn't strike me as very useful…

(There was no way I was going to bed without finding at least one bug, nope.)

[09/08/2016 04:07:17]

Page last modified November 2 2024 at 17:42 UTC