
09/03/11: Pure Stupidity

If anyone ever doubted that I would write Morphic extras about Dave and Mia watching paint dry, well, I did.

I think I will never actually be able to top this one.

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194 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11

Huh? The current sprite generator already has the fifth-generation Pokémon in it.

[27/09/2011 04:28:30]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

Are you going to do a random sprite generator for unova pokemon?

[26/09/2011 15:25:01]

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 09-03-11

you know, i like the sound of a ash and misty romance.ridiculous stealth parody… i like it. that might be a good idea. i would definitely read.

[24/09/2011 00:49:47]

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 09-03-11

i like how at the end, you call it,“the whole paint watching thing." makes it sound like an actual hobby.*gasp!* that should be mia`s new hobby. i know what the next one should be about…

[24/09/2011 00:45:52]

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 09-03-11

i like it…. so mia.. now matter how many times i read all (what? 20? 30 words?) of it i cant help but laugh. so material of image!

[18/09/2011 15:49:36]

Website: Cirrumilus
Commenting on: 09-03-11

This is beautiful.

[11/09/2011 12:41:02]

MiA THe scytheR
Commenting on: 09-03-11

wow curse is deep makes me look into my soul and stuff man

[11/09/2011 00:35:03]

MiA THe scytheR
Commenting on: 09-03-11

nuff said….

[11/09/2011 00:33:26]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11

The implied backstory is just that Dave was painting a wall with Mia present and made some off-hand joke about watching paint dry when he'd finished, which seems pretty simple to me. I'm not sure if you were missing something or what.

[07/09/2011 12:20:44]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

I read the extras before I read the main fic. I laughed so hard at the Dave and Mia Discuss Sex one. It's funnier out of context, although considerably more nonsensical. This one, however, doesn't appeal to me as much as the others (read:I didn't laugh). It doesn't seem like something that Dave and Mia would do, and I can't imagine how they would be in that situation.

[07/09/2011 03:43:46]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

However, for some reason, I like to write stories where everyone is three years older so I often think of her as 18(15). And it gets even more confusing when she gets older because she nearly stops aging at 21. Not to mention she looks 21 when she's 21 for some reason. Not to mention that I don't have this written down anywhere. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't confused myself yet.

[04/09/2011 21:03:58]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

I can cope. I have a character who ages faster than everyone else, so she acts and looks 15 when she's 11.

Whee Farfech'd spammy. I love Farfech'd. It's fun to say.

[04/09/2011 20:59:04]

Blastoise Fortooate
Commenting on: 09-03-11

But everyone knows that Butterfree is a huge Misty/Ash shipper!

[04/09/2011 16:42:32]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11

Is the bit about where Mia is actually physically/mentally older than she technically is actually mentioned anywhere in the extras? Because all the sex talk is kind of creepy as hell if you're thinking of her as a normal ten-year-old. o_O

[04/09/2011 14:11:29]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

I think I have a general idea of what Dave and Mia are like. I also read part of the April Fools before I got bored. soo yeah. I'm ok.

[04/09/2011 12:50:06]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

@Ash/Misty romance: You could do it ironically.

[04/09/2011 04:35:02]

Ashton van Helsing
Website: Click here
Commenting on: 09-03-11

That. Was. Brilliant.

[04/09/2011 02:30:37]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

I can do nothing but laugh. Yeah, you're gonna have a pretty hard time outdoing yourself on this one.

[04/09/2011 01:58:37]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11

…do they make any sense if you haven't read the fic?

[03/09/2011 23:05:19]

Commenting on: 09-03-11

Lolzorz. I only read these one-shots because I'm too lazy to read the main fic. WOOT FOR FUNNY :3

[03/09/2011 22:39:08]

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