
09/05/19: Bugfixing and update update

I've made a couple of bugfixes to the Favorite Pokémon Picker (but more actual feature updates coming soon); this should fix some weird jank with the picker scrolling up when you pick in new browsers.

I've also, as you may notice if you scroll down, changed how the front page updates work: instead of showing the updates from the latest month, it'll now just show the last three updates.

This is how the updates used to work back in 2005 after I'd first created the update archive, but then a few months later, because I was handling all this manually, I got fed up with having to move an update to the archive every time I updated, so I started doing the archive move whenever I updated in a new month instead. That went on to be the system I used for the last fourteen years, even after I redid the update system so that no manual archiving is involved anymore (I actually painstakingly coded it to continue to automatically show only the updates from the latest month that's had updates, just to keep it the way it'd been, even though it was significantly more complicated than just showing the latest x updates).

But now that I'm a busy adult and tend to only get in an update or two a month, I've finally decided this way of presenting updates, though nostalgic, is impractical. The feature updates to the Favorite Pokémon Picker that I made last time shouldn't be pushed off the front page because I made some bugfixes after the month happened to roll over. And since now there's no technical reason for it, I could just go back to the system I wanted to have before laziness made me do the month thing. Rejoice, fifteen-year-old me! Your dreams have finally come true!

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615 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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