
09/07/04: Pokémon forever!

Today was a very important day in my life. In Art class, we were making the folders to use for the rest of out work, and a boy said (jokingly) "I'm going to draw a Pikachu on my folder. I'm such a major Pokémon fan". I couldn't resist saying "Oh, really? Me too" and after confirming that I was not joking a few times, I mentioned among other things that I've read a 200-page strategy guide to Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver and Crystal, not including Ruby and Sapphire which are of course the most complicated games. I don't know how much of the class heard the confession, but I know for sure of at least two people other than us. Man, that felt great.

Anyway, I put up a fanfic of mine called Pokémon Master. No, it's not what you think, it's a one-shot about Ash as an adult.

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397 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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