
09/28/17: Repeat

Yet another Favorite Pokémon Picker, because of course once I start I just can't leave it alone. Now, rather than fiddling with nonsense links, you can actually reorder your found favorites by dragging and dropping. Note that if you truly pick consistently, you shouldn't need to do this at all - the picker's algorithm will find your absolute favorite first, then your second favorite and so on. However, we're all only human, and whether by mistake or changing whims, people often end up with lists that they feel ought to be just slightly different. Now you can fix your list manually in a simple, straightforward way.

Of course there are now several other things I want to do with the picker. I think the first among them, though, is going to be a code restructuring that I've been dying to do for a while; other stuff might get done alongside that.

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418 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-28-17

Your browser probably has some form of "Save Page As…" option; I get it when I right-click the page, for instance. Use that to save the picker page, then open the downloaded html file to edit it.

[25/04/2022 04:57:23]

Commenting on: 09-28-17

I want to make my own version of the pokemon favorite picker that includes some cool fakemon but I don't want to start from scratch with the github link, is there a way I can just copy the exact code the way it is so I can add my items to it?

[24/04/2022 20:37:12]

Commenting on: 09-28-17

I am actually pretty grateful for the reordering mechanic you are implementing. New pokemon are never going to stop coming out, and it is good to have a means to bump up new favorites to old lists without having to redo the entire list all the way over again. Additionally, I've been using the lists of friends to catch pokemon in their favorites for them, but because I organize priority in my list a different way than they do, being able to shuffle around a personal instance of their list such that I can avoid getting lost in the clutter is very useful. In addition to that point, if you could make a "remove from my list" option, like a little trash bin at the very bottom of the list that picks could be dragged to, that'd be cool. Opinions and emotions change, and sometimes it's just time to let go of old friends, you know?

[06/10/2017 15:53:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-28-17

The code is already all client-side - you can see it just by using the view source feature in your browser. I don't mind if you make derivatives, so long as you credit it appropriately and link back.

[29/09/2017 23:42:08]

Commenting on: 09-28-17

Is there anyway you could open source the Favorite Picker code? I saw a Digimon one which said you gave them the code and I would love to do this with my friends for various stuff.

[29/09/2017 20:04:50]

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