
10/15/10: The Legend of Thunder

Slightly belated thanks to, ahem, extremely important things and totally not my tendency to get distracted by websites like Cracked, here's the Legend of Thunder review. Includes my idea of what the Pokémon anime ought to be like, links to TV Tropes, my overanalyzing of a villain's facial expressions, and a bunch of Japanese names, because I decided to temporarily retract my dub name policy.

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Commenting on: 10-15-10

Well, I guess that can't be helped. xD

[18/10/2010 21:32:45]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-15-10

That's in the works as well, but my attention span is fickle.

[18/10/2010 01:50:13]

Commenting on: 10-15-10

Not to be a nag, but what happened to remaking the Fakemon Guide? You put that poll up almost a year ago…

[18/10/2010 01:33:28]

Commenting on: 10-15-10

My mistake; I keep on thinking the thirteenth movie is the fourteenth one. There's so many movies, it's hard to keep track of them all. D:

Regardless, thanks for answering so quickly.

[17/10/2010 21:10:46]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-15-10

Thirteenth, you mean; the fourteenth is coming out next year in japan.

I will review the thirteenth movie as soon as I can actually get my hands on it, namely once the Japanese DVD is out (December 17th) and some fansub group has ripped and translated it from there. I can update the names and all that when it's dubbed.

[17/10/2010 20:19:38]

Commenting on: 10-15-10

Are you going to wait to review the fourteenth movie until it is dubbed or review the Japanese and then update it once the movie is dubbed?

As for the Legend of Thunder review, since I've only watched the dub, I had a bit of trouble following the names. So I very much appreciated the reference list at the top. I haven't watched LoT in ages, but I remember enjoying it. I'll probably rewatch it soon; might have to try watching a subbed verison this time.

[17/10/2010 18:52:42]

Commenting on: 10-15-10

I say Content-writing for dummies. I need that bad, so i can make a good website when Dad finds me somewhere to make one.

[16/10/2010 16:04:49]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-15-10

Either the HG/SS Places to Train or the Content-Writing for Dummies section I've really wanted to write for the past couple of weeks.

[16/10/2010 06:24:31]

Commenting on: 10-15-10

Finally! Legend of Thunder review! :D :D :D What'll you do next, Butterfree?

[16/10/2010 06:03:19]

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