
11/02/08: Six

Today in two thousand two
is when I created you.
Happy birthday, dear website!
I hope you still love me too.

The Cave of Dragonflies is six years old today. Thus, I meant to finish the new sprite generator, but the fact this will require me to re-download a bunch of D/P sprites managed to demotivate me (plus that I stayed the night at my boyfriend's place and thus didn't really have the time).

I also meant to go through all my starred e-mail (i.e. all the affiliation requests, content submissions and such since March); I've started that, but I don't think I'll finish it all today, particularly with me already behind on my pseudo-NaNoWriMo writing sprint. So instead, so the site wouldn't be all sad and lonely on its birthday, I just continued what is becoming an annual tradition of exercising my dubious poetic skills to write some silly alternative lyrics to "Happy Birthday".

...on second thought, I updated the Site History. It hadn't been updated in ages. Actually, that thing might need major revision; it's way too long. Maybe I should split it up into sections or something.

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469 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Red Palkia
Commenting on: 11-02-08

um……can i use some of your own pokemon sprites ex. i will borrow leta……pls email me……

[03/12/2008 08:01:30]

Red Palkia
Commenting on: 11-02-08

um……can i use some of your own pokemon sprites ex. i will borrow leta……pls email me……

[03/12/2008 08:00:18]

Commenting on: 11-02-08

Happy birthday, Butterfree's Pokemon Site! <3

[08/11/2008 00:20:02]

Website: Electric Pokemon
Commenting on: 11-02-08

Quoting: "Site: Happy birthday to me!

I'm one hundred and three!

I'm still on the web….

And I want Butterfree!"

That made me crack up! XD

[06/11/2008 04:20:14]

The guy with no username
Commenting on: 11-02-08

Site: Happy birthday to me!

I'm one hundred and three!

I'm still on the web….

And I want Butterfree!

[05/11/2008 22:17:52]

Commenting on: 11-02-08

*sings song in head in a bunch of different ways* Oh! I get it now!

[05/11/2008 05:15:52]

Website: Electric Pokemon
Commenting on: 11-02-08

I'll take some cake! XD

[05/11/2008 03:43:19]

Commenting on: 11-02-08

Happy birthday TCOD! *takes out cake* Anyone for cake?

[03/11/2008 19:12:16]

Commenting on: 11-02-08

Happy birthday

Six years is a pretty long time. I´m glad you keep the site runnin

[03/11/2008 16:12:57]

Website: Electric Pokemon
Commenting on: 11-02-08

GRAAGHH I'm looking for number 3 on the Clue Game…where is it….

[03/11/2008 04:24:56]

Website: EonRiders
Commenting on: 11-02-08

Happy Birthday, TCoD!!

[03/11/2008 02:57:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-02-08

>:/ It's the same rhyme scheme as the real birthday song! What do you expect?

[02/11/2008 23:46:53]

Some Guy
Commenting on: 11-02-08

Whee! Sixth birthday! *cheers*

[02/11/2008 21:47:34]

Commenting on: 11-02-08

the rhyme scheme makes no sense :(

[02/11/2008 21:14:37]

Page last modified November 2 2024 at 17:42 UTC