
11/02/09: Seven years!

Oh, TCoD,
We've had seven years of thee.
Happy birthday, dear website!
Thou art ancient to me.

The Cave of Dragonflies is now seven years old, and I have been running it for more than a third of my life. Whoo. It has never felt weirder to contemplate the fact that once upon a time I did not have a website.

For this occasion, I did the impossible and revived the crossword. Thus, there's a brand new one, more ridiculously difficult than ever, and the June 2008-October 2009 crossword has been judged at last, as if anybody actually still remembers what the heck they submitted. Enjoy. :D

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373 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 11-02-09

I haven't been here for a year, and yet i love your site.If i ever get a site, I'll be sure to affiliate!

[11/11/2009 02:02:44]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

And to think, I only discovered this amazing site last year. Happy birthday Tcod :D

[07/11/2009 01:47:21]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

Omg happy birhtday ButterFree! Or, your site that is. (:

[04/11/2009 23:25:19]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

Late, but happy birthday TCoD. X3

First signature in the guestbook for me. XD

[03/11/2009 23:50:35]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

aqualta is so happy. I should know. He has been talking about the crossword for aaaaaages! Anyway, I'm goingto try it too. TQFTL rocks Dragonfree!

[03/11/2009 20:57:46]

Commenting on: 11-02-09

Happy birthday TCoD! Well done for being by far and away the most interesting Pokémon site out there.

Although…you've got to be kidding me on my crossword result. Over a year for the results then I come fourth? So a bit faster would have got me an award? *facepalm*

Oh well, it's nice to see all those names below me. =] Thanks very much for the new crossword, Butterfree! My next couple of evenings are now fully booked!

[03/11/2009 20:37:52]

Shadow Files
Website: Desert Shadow
Commenting on: 11-02-09

Happy birthday to TCoD! ^_^ Seven years is a long time!

[03/11/2009 16:12:48]

Commenting on: 11-02-09


Happy birthday TCoD~!

[03/11/2009 11:36:24]

Page last modified November 2 2024 at 17:42 UTC