
11/09/04: Halloween is over...

Yep, it's over, and therefore Cave Style is back as the default style. Halloween Style, thanks to the poll results and also the fact that I've taken a funny liking to it, is still available as Houndoom Style.

I also updated the Quest for the Legends Revision History page with some notes about when each revision was made, and another question in the Quest for the Legends FAQ.

UPDATE EDIT: I also tweaked the splash page - the styles were getting so many I put them in a drop-down rather than the old radio buttons - and removed the music. Sorry to any fans of it, but I just don't like having it anymore. Most people don't like background music on websites, and if you wanted to listen to the music, you could just go to VGMusic. Besides that it only worked in Internet Explorer and complicated things, and made the site look less professional.

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Page last modified November 2 2024 at 17:42 UTC