
12/06/09: No More Reset Hits

I... think I've fixed the problem that's been causing the front page hits to be reset to zero twice in the past couple of days. Also dealt with a couple of error reports and may have preempted the infamous "Too Many Connections" error. Let's see if it happens again.

I've finished Buffy, but now we have Angel, so... I'll work on stuff at some point?

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Commenting on: 12-06-09

I'm about halfway through the second season of Buffy. Highly addictive. @__@

[24/12/2009 05:00:42]

Commenting on: 12-06-09

I'm not sure if it's possible, but if you could make a more user-friendly page for when the website has Too Many Connections (I'm thinking something like "too much traffic, come back later") you'd probably get less error reports.

[08/12/2009 05:56:53]

Mow Rotom
Commenting on: 12-06-09

I didn't even realise there was a problem.

I guess I just don't notice things. :P


[06/12/2009 22:38:37]

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