
12/10/09: Type Tool Fixed

So I fixed the Ultimate Type Tool. If you look, you'll probably wonder exactly what's different, since the tool still does more or less exactly the same thing, but actually I rewrote most of it to be one heck of a lot more efficient at what it does, plus that with the new design, it should no longer break under certain conditions after creating multiple custom types, which it has been doing since I first made it but I was too lazy to dig into getting it to work properly. I might go later and try to streamline the code a bit more, but right now I have a test I need to study for, and this should be fully functional and glitch-free, so.

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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-10-09

I'm actually already more or less completely rewriting the custom type system again, heh. At least I'm pretty sure once I get this done it will be pretty foolproof.

[13/12/2009 23:09:31]

Website: Pikachu's Plaza
Commenting on: 12-10-09

I'm sorry to bother you, but I actuall found another problem.

Say I create the type Ji and the type Ku. Now I want to edit Ji, so I click on its name and change on one of its weakness to a resistance. (it doesn't matter what you change, as long as you change something). Say I don't want Ji anymore, so I delete it. I get this error:

"Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a138f'

'wruar.1' is null or not an object

/newtypetool.asp, line 184"

I think people would run into this error more.

[13/12/2009 18:09:37]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-10-09

Ugh. I really don't have the time to mess around with this right now. I reverted it to how it was before I started the messing around for now, since people are less likely to encounter the error like that. I can work on this when my tests are over.

[10/12/2009 20:50:04]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-10-09

…wait, no. I didn't fix it. Hang on.

[10/12/2009 20:07:56]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-10-09

Okay, after a bit of thought I figured out what I think was part of what you meant, namely that things got messed up when you created, say, two types and then edited the first, which would shuffle the type numbers around without making the appropriate adjustments to the internal type chart. I've fixed that now. Still not sure what you meant by the last sentence, though.

[10/12/2009 19:56:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-10-09

…huh? "They move to the bottom slot"? What bottom slot? "The point doesn't"? What point? And what on earth do you mean by "it doesn't register a new type you added either"?

Please try to express yourself in a more understandable way; I can't do anything about the problem if I can't make out what the problem is.

[10/12/2009 19:41:21]

Commenting on: 12-10-09

When you edit your types, they move to the bottom slot, but the point doesn't! It doesn't register a new type you added eighther, nice try though!

[10/12/2009 18:44:35]

Commenting on: 12-10-09

I've never played with this before, but it's awesome! But as you call it – a tool, not a toy. Very cool.

[10/12/2009 17:53:38]

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