
12/14/08: Sprites! And... no sprite generator.

So what have I been doing this time instead of the crossword and the sprite generator? Well, I completely randomly happened to look at the old R/S-style Leta family back sprites that were still in the Fake Pokémon section, and thought, "I should make new, D/P-style back sprites, since the front sprites have been updated."

So I did that. And then I figured, "Hey, I never made a second frame for any of them! I should do that." So I did. And for the back sprites too, because Platinum has back sprite animations after all. (Well, Letaligon's second frame for the back sprite is really lazy, but eh. Might redo it later.) And when I was going to make one for Letaligon, I thought, "This sprite is kind of silly because it makes it look so small; maybe I should dust off that alternate Letaligon I made, in the pose of the original R/S-style sprite, and try to make it look like it's not falling over." So I did that, too.

And then I've been writing The Quest for the Legends; I made an extra and I'm eight pages into chapter 46. See? I've been very productive! My productivity just doesn't like the sprite generator. Or the crossword. Sorry.

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409 Fun fact: The above sprite has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. Feel free to brag if you get one.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-08

It's a specific error in connecting to the database; the maximum connections number keeps resetting itself to 20, which is way too low at the busiest times, even though I keep setting it to something much higher. The database error appears and reappears depending on whether or not there are already 20 connections or not.

[19/12/2008 04:08:34]

Commenting on: 12-14-08

Seems to have been fixed a while ago. Wonder what happened?

[19/12/2008 01:58:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-08

Again? v.v What the hell? I keep changing that maximum connections setting and it keeps randomly changing it back.

[18/12/2008 20:52:58]

Commenting on: 12-14-08

Whats wrong with the forum? There seems to be a database error!

[18/12/2008 19:49:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-08

The problem isn't that I haven't made sprites of them that don't make me want to claw my eyes out, it's that I can't. Or rather, so far my attempts at them have not gone very well. As in, I've tried, but they always turn out bad and thus I don't want to put those on the fake Pokémon page.

[16/12/2008 18:15:10]

Commenting on: 12-14-08

But isn't that reason enough to create sprites for them? To give Fangcat and Mutark artwork that doesn't want to make you claw your eyes out?

Anyway, have fun with the sprite generator. *downloads sprite packages*

[16/12/2008 12:42:55]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-08

Renamon: Uh, "do" Sky Forme Shaymin and Origin Forme Giratina? If you mean put them on the fake Pokémon page, why the hell? They're not fake and not mine. Making sprites of them? There are already official sprites of them so there is no need for me to make some. Putting them in the sprite generator, which might be a bit of a stretch? Of course they'll be in it; that's part of the point. And why would you want to spoiler that? It isn't as if Platinum isn't out already. o_O

eevee_em: Well, that would require me to make a Fangcat sprite whose anatomy problems do not make me want to claw my eyes out. Same reason as why Mutark isn't on there. Or well, I guess I could put them on with no sprites, but that would be kind of lame.

[16/12/2008 01:46:16]

Commenting on: 12-14-08

All these updates to the fake pokemon page…and still no Fangcat. I wanna see Fangcat!

[15/12/2008 20:16:09]

Commenting on: 12-14-08

[spolier]you should do skyformshaymin and giratinaoriginform

[15/12/2008 19:00:02]

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