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Website: Age of WarThat's why I said as close as you could get D:
[15/11/2011 23:30:23]
Spunky the Raichu
Shinx is a lion, Raikou is a tiger.
[15/11/2011 23:18:59]
Website: Age of WarAlso, Chimchar is not a rooster, though Shinx is about as close to a tiger as you can get : P
[15/11/2011 21:02:02]
Website: Age of WarYeah, I only named her that because she was a water type. I caught a Magikarp and named her Nuregami too, so I'm probably going to trade the original away. I'm just wierd like that. : P
[15/11/2011 21:01:15]
Spunky the Raichu
Bidoof's not a snake god. Bidoof gets eaten by snake gods.
[15/11/2011 17:10:45]
Okami. And Bidoof is the furthest thing from a snake god I've ever seen.
[15/11/2011 15:46:07]
Scohui the Slowbro
[15/11/2011 14:08:19]
Website: Age of WarPokemon school? Crap, too old. Better go catch my own pokemon. -Was just playing diamond last night- Okay,
Chimchar = Moegami
Shinx = Gekigami
Bidoof = Nurigami
ANYONE GET THE REFFERENCE?[15/11/2011 12:29:14]
Spunky the Raichu
What?? I must enroll!
Where? When?
And is the class pet an abra?[15/11/2011 02:15:54]
Scohui the Slowbro
New school subject: Pokemon.
Hell yeah![14/11/2011 23:02:01]
Math. With graphs. I like this.
[14/11/2011 22:50:07]
Scohui the Slowbro
(See? Now I can understand you)
I can't read it that way. You aren't talking my language. It's a bit…different. (Not talking about your last post)[14/11/2011 22:37:17]
Seriously, u seriously want to start? Lol. I type as if im talking as in talking to u in person read it that way
[14/11/2011 21:27:44]
Scohui the Slowbro
Desolater, your case is simple: You know these stuff?> , . Good. Look at your post. You used one>(.).
And also paragraphs. Zero.[14/11/2011 21:04:55]
I assure u im not judgment though i do wonder why i never came on here lol REVENGE no joking seriously. I was bored came on here to check up on this place then looked at the forumm n log in as a name similar to my old one to see what happens i must say i was at fault to keep on egging n taunting those mods n members who were just plain ignorant got some people on my side lol then i love causing chaos badly then
[14/11/2011 18:41:06]
Commenting on: 11-12-11I care. :P Graphs would be cool.
[14/11/2011 18:14:28]
Spunky the Raichu
Just ban the hive mind, this is getting creepy.
[14/11/2011 17:57:12]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI wonder how it is that Judgement believes it has accomplished justice by making me type out something of length greater than X in response to them. Is this some new definition of justice that I haven't heard of?
Desolater, the reason you eventually came to be banned on sight is that you kept coming back and never seemed to have learned. You were advised repeatedly that your posts were nearly unreadable (not just making some grammar errors or misspellings, which is perfectly okay, but actually requiring people to squint and put considerable work into deciphering what you're saying) and yet you never seemed to have made an effort to be more understandable. You repeatedly made spammy, flamebaity and generally inflammatory posts, and in general we eventually concluded that by all appearances you seemed to be a troll or otherwise just not about to improve. And I have to say that the fact you apparently coincidentally pop up just now as some guy is trying to prove I'm evil and ban people unfairly isn't really helping disprove that troll theory. It's been long enough that I probably could reverse the ban for now and see how it goes, but I'm rather reluctant to because like I said, I still kind of suspect you're a troll.
I also note that several people were infracted and/or banned for treating you and other people they didn't like like dirt, and that this was a couple of years ago when the general atmosphere of the place was kind of hellish thanks to a group of members who thought being a dick to people made them cool. Since then, these people variously left, were banned, or grew up, and I haven't been aware of that kind of thing since.
Incidentally, as with so many of the things Judgement loves to be dragging out, the name "Kool Kids Krewe" is from around that time a couple of years ago and was a joke even then. Get with the times.[14/11/2011 17:39:14]
Whats a havemind lol anyways i think butterfree is just too busy with. This n that on her site n maybe real life to get what seems like whats goin on in her forum shes tryin too looks at all points of view which is what ur supposed to do when ur a leader r a host of something but some mods such as opligater n surskitty n shiva weree rude to me gujust cuz i made grammer errors n mispelled
[14/11/2011 16:12:15]
So you're some sort of creepy hivemind, right? You and Justice and who else?
[14/11/2011 15:38:43]
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