
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

spunky raichu

good job, slowbro typer of charizard. = D

[06/10/2011 20:56:05]

Scohui the Slowbro

charizard(slow motion)

cdgbariuz<ard (fast motion?)

[06/10/2011 20:24:17]

spunky raichu

butterfree (been there, done that!) maiarpo (wow, no.) quentin the ala plushie (GOSH DARN IT!) charizard (whee!) ~ raichu, magikarp, butterfree, and charizard blast off at the speed of light~~~

[06/10/2011 16:23:29]

spunky raichu

you did it! congrats for being the first person on this site to get the all-star medal. here it is: CLOUDY moves at mandy speed!@cod copy and paste that to use as your signature on this website and others to show them how great you are! and props for writing the entire message.

[06/10/2011 16:16:36]


charizard, magikarp, quentin the dialga plushie, butterfree '.' thisd entire thing was typed very slowly wikth my bolny elb ows xD

[06/10/2011 05:13:09]

spunky raichu

one last try: arzard (AAHHH) magikarp (boom shaka-laka!) quw hbftogh (heck the what?) wow. i fail. except for magikarp, but that's still technicallly failure. ~raichu magikarp, and butterfee blast off at the speed of light~

[06/10/2011 02:42:30]

spunky raichu

hilarious ness that has nothing to do with elbow spell. slowbro's sprite from blue. it's trying to eat the shellder! lol!

~ raichu the typer of butterfree…

[05/10/2011 22:29:10]

spunky raichu

4th attempt at the super medal; magikap (magic cap?) quntoimn tghed dialga luyshie (i spellled dialga right. oy..) butterfree (yes! will post butterfree medal next time) charzard (so close!)

[05/10/2011 21:38:35]

spunky raichu

gone for a bit. medal for frostagin; FROSTAGIN RULER OF ELBOW SPELL: charizard. rawr!

[05/10/2011 21:24:44]

spunky raichu

good job! as a reward i will give you a medal to copy and paste in all your comments until someone else can do it. then the honor goes to them. there's a different medal for every mascot you spell, so keeep trying! if you can spell them al in one try, you get a super medal.

[05/10/2011 21:12:00]


I'm trying. The problem is the placement of the pointy part on my elbows. And maybe the size of my keyboard.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :3

[05/10/2011 17:18:45]

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 10-05-11

how many days until fixed laptop, buttterfree? got any idea?

[05/10/2011 15:52:20]

spunky raichu

wow. pretty close on charizard there, fross. tip: try to use the pointy part of your elbow.

[05/10/2011 02:07:49]




m agvikzazrol

edntgikn tgrhyedrfagoui mp;u7lushniked

The only one I didn't fail on is Charizard. lol

[05/10/2011 01:44:59]

spunky raichu

that time i was trying spell it with an i! o–0 i fail..

[04/10/2011 19:18:38]

spunky raichu

3rd time's the charm! or arm. quenton the diagfla plusahbijse psy…

[04/10/2011 19:17:00]

spunky raichu

buttefree: wasn't sure about the spelling, so just went with that. and slowbro, congrats. i'm gonnna ace this, though. que nbtfin trbhe b iala pol;uhawzsvgije. o-0 i fail. you can't even tell what i was writing….

[04/10/2011 16:50:01]

Scohui the Slowbro


bbutercfredred….I have 4 elbows, so its kinda hard

[04/10/2011 16:43:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Might want to note that Quentin's name has an I, not an O.

[04/10/2011 16:12:16]

spunky raichu

quenbtobhn the diagla pluhie. almost… charizard i did it! utterfree almost! majikarp. oy… your turn.

[04/10/2011 16:09:28]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC