Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I know. d:
AT LEAST WE HAVE THE GUESTBOOK[17/10/2011 17:46:31]
Scohui the Slowbro
Sorry, but the server is too lazy right now. I HATE THIS MESSAGE!
[17/10/2011 17:39:06]
it is called a link. :3
[17/10/2011 04:47:37]
Awwwwwwwww man the arrow didn't work.
[16/10/2011 21:12:32]
CAKE. YOU ROCK. *cuts and noms slice of cake*
Who likes Korean boy bands? I do! ?
Wheeeeeee awesome song[/link][16/10/2011 21:11:45]
Website: Cirrumilus*spots cake*
*takes slice of said cake*
What flavor is this?
*chew chew*[16/10/2011 15:03:47]
When the Forum is busy, I shall come here.
and it is right now.
*gives out cake*[16/10/2011 02:38:49]
Russia was in my ceiling. Then when I found him he said, "Become one with Mother Russia, da?" I then kicked him out of my cave. (Because Russias are not allowed in my cave.)
[14/10/2011 15:05:05]
Spunky raichu
Um, what `choo say, fross?
[13/10/2011 22:51:01]
Wait, there's a guy standing behind me? Are you FRANCE? Gaaaaaa questions. Oharceusrussiaisinmyceiling. Byes.
[13/10/2011 21:08:01]
The guy standing behind you
topk me forever to get golod atg it
[09/10/2011 17:06:11]
spunky raichu
Holy moly! You got pretty close there.
[09/10/2011 16:40:40]
i am typing this wole(crap i messed up) message with my elbowds(crap!!!11!!!)
[09/10/2011 16:34:38]
spunky raichu
huh, nothing.
[09/10/2011 00:27:53]
Scohui the Slowbro
[08/10/2011 19:28:10]
spunky raichu
Where's my slowbro??
[08/10/2011 17:45:49]
spunky raichu
everything is all okay, slowbro and frostagin. read now!
[07/10/2011 22:13:58]
spunky raichu
it's kind of good you haven't read them yet, because there's a major screw-up. by tomorow everything will be fixed along with the third chapter, so please read then, frostagin.
[07/10/2011 16:03:29]
I meant I'm too lazy to read your stories, btw.
[07/10/2011 15:24:06]
I'm too lazy. I bet they're good though. GOOD LUCK RAICHU.
I think my n key hates me. Everytime I try to poke it with my elbow, an h or j comes instead.[07/10/2011 15:23:24]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC