
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

spunky raichu

good job! as a reward i will give you a medal to copy and paste in all your comments until someone else can do it. then the honor goes to them. there's a different medal for every mascot you spell, so keeep trying! if you can spell them al in one try, you get a super medal.

[05/10/2011 21:12:00]


I'm trying. The problem is the placement of the pointy part on my elbows. And maybe the size of my keyboard.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :3

[05/10/2011 17:18:45]

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 10-05-11

how many days until fixed laptop, buttterfree? got any idea?

[05/10/2011 15:52:20]

spunky raichu

wow. pretty close on charizard there, fross. tip: try to use the pointy part of your elbow.

[05/10/2011 02:07:49]




m agvikzazrol

edntgikn tgrhyedrfagoui mp;u7lushniked

The only one I didn't fail on is Charizard. lol

[05/10/2011 01:44:59]

spunky raichu

that time i was trying spell it with an i! o–0 i fail..

[04/10/2011 19:18:38]

spunky raichu

3rd time's the charm! or arm. quenton the diagfla plusahbijse psy…

[04/10/2011 19:17:00]

spunky raichu

buttefree: wasn't sure about the spelling, so just went with that. and slowbro, congrats. i'm gonnna ace this, though. que nbtfin trbhe b iala pol;uhawzsvgije. o-0 i fail. you can't even tell what i was writing….

[04/10/2011 16:50:01]

Scohui the Slowbro


bbutercfredred….I have 4 elbows, so its kinda hard

[04/10/2011 16:43:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Might want to note that Quentin's name has an I, not an O.

[04/10/2011 16:12:16]

spunky raichu

quenbtobhn the diagla pluhie. almost… charizard i did it! utterfree almost! majikarp. oy… your turn.

[04/10/2011 16:09:28]

spunky raichu

rules of elbow spell: no backspacing or deleting. try multiple times within one comment. you can spell any of the site's mascots, meaning you have the choice of: butterfree, charizard, majikarp, or quenton the dialga plushie. if you chooose quenton you have to try to spell ALL of his name. good luck!

[04/10/2011 16:05:39]

spunky raichu

poisonous fire? remind me not to tick you off! also, i have a fun activity: trying to spell butterfree with just your elbow. uttrgfree.,f close enough. based on a game from poliwagger.

[04/10/2011 15:59:47]


I got Fire, and then changed one of my answers and got Poison. BUT I'M A FROST DRAGON D:

LOL actually those are my two favorite types. :3

[04/10/2011 15:42:04]

spunky raichu

took the what type are you? test cause i was bored, and according to my typing, electric and ground, i'm a stunfisk. meh. first time i haven't been a flying type.

[04/10/2011 01:24:55]

spunky raichu

it was just like, a 7 minute interview on aots. i spent 8 minutes laughing, though.

[03/10/2011 21:16:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

What in particular with Penn and Teller? :o

(Asking mainly because I don't actually like BS nearly as much as everything else they've done ever, personally, which makes me sadface when that's all anyone else knows them for and be very giddy when it isn't. Not that it doesn't have its moments, but I am rather passionate about logical reasoning *cough* and when I watch it I spend half of the time whining about logical fallacies, stuff they don't address, stuff they address inadequately, etc. It is for the sake of humour, fitting it into thirty minutes, appealing to people who don't enjoy thinking critically about things and so on, and they're perfectly capable of expressing their opinions without it, but I didn't discover that until Fool Us had made me enough of a fan to start digging up interviews and such. The first time I saw BS, it just annoyed me.)

[03/10/2011 20:52:37]

spunky raichu

i saw penn and teller on tv today. pretty funnny. it's creepy how much butterfree and i think alike. *creepy music plays in background*

[03/10/2011 16:25:11]

Website: Chia
Commenting on: 09-28-11

It's too bad your laptop started acting up. Well, I can't wait to see the fake Pokémon guide. :3

[03/10/2011 09:10:43]


love this the site.

[03/10/2011 07:32:01]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC