Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Crud all the good Invader Zim character are taken. I can be Russia, da?
[25/10/2011 02:33:37]
Spunky raichu
Sing it! Sing it! I haven't heard that in forever!
[24/10/2011 22:25:41]
Scohui the Slowbro
[24/10/2011 22:18:18]
the guy standing behind you
can i sing the doom song?
[24/10/2011 22:09:59]
Scohui the Slowbro
We must invade Server planet!
I'll be Zim!
And you'll be (guess what) gir![24/10/2011 21:14:36]
The guy standing behind you
AGAIN!!!!! stupid server
[24/10/2011 20:47:48]
Scohui the Slowbro
[24/10/2011 18:17:02]
I'm back peoples. Server's being stupid.
[24/10/2011 16:20:19]
It's not exactly broken - I checked. It doesn't work because the colon after HTTP is missing. Other than that, it's correct.
[24/10/2011 11:45:34]
Commenting on: 10-19-11Yo, just a headsup that the URL to Copy Cat in the affliates bar is broken. :)
[24/10/2011 05:54:54]
K, I'm on the forums. I might not get on that much, but I'm on there. Feel free to friend request me.
[24/10/2011 03:35:57]
I'll go look into it. Then you may get to see… MY NERDY SIDE. *dun dun DUUN*
[24/10/2011 03:29:05]
Spunky raichu
@Frostagin, i think you should.
I'd love to see you on there, and The guy standing behind you is there.[24/10/2011 02:30:03]
Cause I don't have a forums account. I might get one eventually(under the same name),but not yet.
[24/10/2011 01:36:29]
Scohui the Slowbro
I want to know why this happen!
[23/10/2011 19:44:17]
What Scohui said.
[23/10/2011 17:59:09]
Scohui the Slowbro
Busy ness
[23/10/2011 17:18:25]
Guys, why are you all here instead of in teh Forums? *is confused*
[23/10/2011 17:16:22]
Scohui the Slowbro
Good for you!
[23/10/2011 17:14:30]
I'm not typing with my elbows. That would hurt. My elbows have bruises on them from judo.
…*is glad she is not on the forums*[23/10/2011 16:45:16]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC