Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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spunky raichu
hmm….everything should work out tho.plans are in place for getting around to putting it on my to-do list to get myself an email adress, so dont worry.
[24/09/2011 04:03:51]
There's a place to put your email under the name. I don't put mine because I don't want people to email me unless I give them my email on purpose.
[24/09/2011 03:40:38]
spunky raichu
what do you mean?
[24/09/2011 02:33:03]
I use Insight for my email. I just don't put it on because I don't want random people emailing me. :P
[24/09/2011 02:30:24]
spunky raichu
Commenting on: 09-03-11you know, i like the sound of a ash and misty romance.ridiculous stealth parody… i like it. that might be a good idea. i would definitely read.
[24/09/2011 00:49:47]
spunky raichu
Commenting on: 09-03-11i like how at the end, you call it,“the whole paint watching thing." makes it sound like an actual hobby.*gasp!* that should be mia`s new hobby. i know what the next one should be about…
[24/09/2011 00:45:52]
spunky raichu
oh, and slowbro? i will have tons of free time tomorrow. i will definitely be on.
[24/09/2011 00:40:52]
spunky raichu
ahh i cant stop laughing ahhhh . ahem. sorry if im bugging you with the story too much, slowbro. but now i cant stop imagining that… ahh…
[23/09/2011 23:31:35]
Scohui the Slowbro
It's your story. Sammy can go to the moon if you want to.
[23/09/2011 20:39:32]
spunky raichu
hey, slowbro? i has question. what if… sammy tried out for track? running on 4 legs? and won? hmm? hmm? i know its my story, but i want you in on it too. just you wait until i find a place to post it!
[23/09/2011 19:48:02]
spunky raichu
i never bothered to get one… guess i will be. oy. thats nice and frustrating. ugly vulture i dont know cause im not familiar with the 5th generation spammmy! and then a shieldon. whee.
[23/09/2011 19:30:14]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou need an e-mail address to sign up with most anything on the Internet, so I'd suggest you get one. :/ There are thousands of free e-mail service providers; Gmail is great.
[23/09/2011 17:25:14]
Scohui the Slowbro
You don't?
[23/09/2011 16:36:20]
spunky raichu
wait a second… it wont let me in because i dont have an email account!
[23/09/2011 16:24:29]
spunky raichu
barchuru! yay for butterfree for making that a choice in the nice little free forums!!
[23/09/2011 16:18:38]
spunky raichu
i see the register button now. i had my computer on mute, so i must not have heard it honk.and its my story, not butterfrees. coming soon: pokemon final: realization. butterfree, are you okay w/ me posting that here? i wanna make it easy for slowbro to see, and i spend 45% of my time here anyways.
[23/09/2011 16:08:30]
Scohui the Slowbro
It's spunky raichu's morph story, not Butterfree's
[23/09/2011 15:23:49]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI'm pretty sure spunky raichu was referring to the Pokémorph story she was talking about writing a bit back.
[23/09/2011 02:33:45]
Shadow Techie
Wait, you're going to post Butterfree's story? When she hasn't posted it herself
You might want to ask her before doing that.[23/09/2011 01:01:46]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMy forums? Aren't you seeing the huge honking header with a "Register" link?
[23/09/2011 00:51:05]
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