Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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spunky raichu
butterfree, what are your thoughts on a cleverbot section? it's a learning robot, so soon it (probably) won't say stupid stuff anymore. act quickly!
[28/09/2011 00:14:02]
I find it awesome that you live in Iceland… I've always loved Iceland ever since I started reading SatW. Do you read SatW and who is your favorite country? :3
[27/09/2011 23:46:43]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-11Huh? The current sprite generator already has the fifth-generation Pokémon in it.
[27/09/2011 04:28:30]
Commenting on: 09-03-11Are you going to do a random sprite generator for unova pokemon?
[26/09/2011 15:25:01]
spunky raichu
not pokemon, but needed to be shared. me:*kills*.
not-so-cleverbot: *is dead*.[26/09/2011 01:29:28]
spunky raichu
the easiest battle ever…User: *throws pokeball* go, gengar! Use tackle!
Cleverbot: *leg breaks* Ouch!
User: Yay! Return, gengar.
Cleverbot: Go ditto!
User: Go, raichu!
Cleverbot: Yes well done!
User: I win?
Cleverbot: Yes, You win a lollipop.
User: Yay![26/09/2011 01:19:07]
spunky raichu
Cleverbot: Charmander char?
User: Yes! Say more, more charmander!
Cleverbot: Flame thrower use Charmander.
User: Allmost…[25/09/2011 18:09:00]
spunky raichu
snorlax type? ok, that's it. i demand a section like the babelfished section for clever bot. : D
[25/09/2011 17:33:26]
Ok. RESULT(Warning, long):
User: What type is Gengar?
Cleverbot: My type.
User: And what type are you?
Cleverbot: What type of what?
User: Of Pokemon.
Cleverbot: The game, the cards, or the cartoon?
User: The game.
Cleverbot: How do you play?
Cleverbot: Yeah, sorry, so, what POKEMON are you?
User: I'm not a POKEMON, I'm a POKEMON TRAINER. What Pokemon type is Gengar?
Cleverbot: Snorlax.[25/09/2011 17:12:00]
spunky raichu
Will i be a pokemon master one day?
I doubt it, you're too messed up.
RUDE! (runs away).
*caught you*.
Help![25/09/2011 16:35:16]
spunky raichu
wow! good job getting some crazy responses out of him/it. ask him what type gengar is.
[25/09/2011 16:29:49]
The Pikachu conversation.
Me: Pika?
Bot: Pika.
Me: Pikapi.
Bot: Pika, pika!
Me: Kapika, kachu.
Bot: I eat walrus' for breakfast.
Me: … O.o
Bot: I think it tastes better.
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay…[25/09/2011 16:27:11]
Read this:
Me: Do I have a soul?
Bot: Do you?
Me: YOU were supposed to tell ME. Arceus.
Bot: A program claimed he only had 68 responsed, but he was lying.
…O.o[25/09/2011 16:23:20]
spunky raichu
User: What type is gengar?
Cleverbot: Type of what?
User: Of pokemon.
Cleverbot: I don't really like pokemon.
User: YES YOU DO![24/09/2011 22:35:07]
spunky raichu
User: What type is gengar?
Cleverbot: Type o negative.
User: Not blood type.
Cleverbot: Yes.
wow. 0-o;
User: What type of pokemon is gengar?
Cleverbot: He is like, I guess a grass one?[24/09/2011 22:33:10]
spunky raichu
isn't that thing crazy? go ahead, ask it what type gengar is. i'm not sure if it's response has changed; it didn't the fourteen times i asked it.
[24/09/2011 22:27:35]
Scohui the Slowbro
Double? I'm very sane right now.
[24/09/2011 21:56:36]
Scohui the Slowbro
There's no such thing as a soul.
That's what he said.[24/09/2011 21:54:36]
Scohui the Slowbro
There's no such thing as a soul.
That's what he said.[24/09/2011 21:54:35]
spunky raichu
wow. go to cleverbot. com. and tell it "pika?' just…wow. this the babelfish of the future, right here.
[24/09/2011 15:55:09]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC