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spunky raichu

i dont know why about this one either… he has a textile obsession with soft things. (?)

[18/09/2011 21:19:45]

spunky raichu

LLOLOOOLAUGHGIGGLESNORT111!!!! gosh i love talking to you….

[18/09/2011 21:17:55]

Scohui the Slowbro

……….Snorlax! Body slam!

[18/09/2011 21:16:33]

spunky raichu

yes, hes mean. i dont know why,but i do know its a backstory thing. also, now i cant stop imaging poor sammy being crushed by football players at tryouts…thanks.

[18/09/2011 21:14:06]

Scohui the Slowbro

A ralts being mean?

[18/09/2011 21:10:31]

Scohui the Slowbro

Sammy White?

Sammy White (born March 3, 1954 in Winnsboro, Louisiana) is a former American football wide receiver in the NFL.

[18/09/2011 21:08:01]

spunky raichu

i see him having a rivalry w/ another one of my characters, a ralts pokemorph named kevin whos really mean…

[18/09/2011 21:07:04]

spunky raichu

i have know idea why, but i want his last name to be white. i dont even know anybody w/ that name..

[18/09/2011 21:05:03]

Scohui the Slowbro

That too.

[18/09/2011 21:03:00]

spunky raichu

geniuos! i hadnt even thuoght of that! i thought of him having truble focusing, though.

[18/09/2011 21:02:25]

Scohui the Slowbro

And don't forget the pain tolerance!

[18/09/2011 21:00:34]

spunky raichu

YES1!! i can imagine him sleeping on a rock with a melted chcolate bar in his hand…

[18/09/2011 20:58:38]

Scohui the Slowbro

and chocolate

[18/09/2011 20:56:20]

spunky raichu

thats perfect! im now gonna put it down in my notes that his favorite food is pancakes.

[18/09/2011 20:55:08]

Scohui the Slowbro

That sounded so wrong….

[18/09/2011 20:54:48]

Scohui the Slowbro

sammy with a big S!

[18/09/2011 20:54:19]

Scohui the Slowbro

Makes sense. I like pancakes

(example of random)

[18/09/2011 20:53:18]

spunky raichu

no offense but i thoght the same thing about the name Scohui. thats why i changed it to sammy.

[18/09/2011 20:52:29]

spunky raichu

oh, yeah personality too.i was thinking hes like ultimate nice guy. and its really hard for him to stand up, so hes allways hunched over. and of course, he enjoys just sittng on a rock and napping. im not kidding, thats a big part of his personality.

[18/09/2011 20:50:48]

Scohui the Slowbro

Scohui might not be a good name.

Imagine the characther being sort of lazy, sometimes random and funny

[18/09/2011 20:50:05]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC