
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


*sings more*

I look at the world, and I see it needs sweeping…

Still my guitar gently weeps…

If you don't know it, listen to it.

[22/09/2011 00:32:58]

spunky raichu

today has been incredibly annoying… stuff i had to do i didnt know i had to do happened. argh. no need to cuss slowbro. and what are you talking about maractus man?

[22/09/2011 00:27:43]



While my guitar gently weeps….

[21/09/2011 23:58:02]

Scohui the Slowbro

And today is not a good day to die. And I mean it.

[21/09/2011 22:04:48]

Scohui the Slowbro

What the hell? I'm not stupid! I'm on a type disadvantage!(or something)

[21/09/2011 21:37:04]

spunky raichu

yay! hey… something just occured to me…. im a raichu…. youre a slowbro… LETS HAVE A BATTLE! accept?

[21/09/2011 21:26:43]

Scohui the Slowbro

talking to you

[21/09/2011 21:21:50]

spunky raichu

im here now. and lonely. talk to me slowbrokeking.

[21/09/2011 21:17:30]

spunky raichu

aah! im just gonna stay at this website forever….

[21/09/2011 21:15:57]

Scohui the Slowbro

Of course it does, it goes by your eyes and its already gone into the universe of history.

[21/09/2011 21:02:54]

spunky raichu

yes, you. i love talking to you. makes my day.

[21/09/2011 20:14:20]

Scohui the Slowbro


[21/09/2011 20:09:59]

spunky raichu

all my rage! why cant i get on the same time you are?! aahhhhh!

[21/09/2011 20:07:47]

Scohui the Slowbro

Yeah, put it's still dead

[21/09/2011 19:43:27]

spunky raichu

really? eh, its your desicion. do you like the slowking i made-ish?

[21/09/2011 19:35:06]

Scohui the Slowbro

I know they grow back, but….I don't wan't to be Slowpoke again!

[21/09/2011 18:45:28]

spunky raichu

i was watching aots and they asked people on twitter what time they would visit if they had a time machine. some one called dj mittens said they would go to 1990 and relieve pokemania. NERDS UNITE!

[21/09/2011 16:54:59]

spunky raichu

you remember when i sugested pulling that shellder off? and you said it would cut your tail off? according to bulbapedia, they grow back in minutes! you can be a slowpoke again, slowprokingbro!

[21/09/2011 16:06:06]

spunky raichu

hey, i figured out something cool..

[21/09/2011 15:56:08]

Scohui the Slowbro


[21/09/2011 15:48:48]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC