Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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spunky raichu
here slowpoke! take this kings rock and evolve into a slowking! its the only way!
(_____)/[18/09/2011 00:23:13]
Scohui the Slowpoke
Wait a minute I mean
[18/09/2011 00:22:27]
Scohui the Slowpoke
What a minute…Ghost type spammy….CALL GHOSTBUSTERS!
[18/09/2011 00:22:03]
spunky raichu
i chooose plusle! +-+(plu!) |\
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+O+(OH HECK NO!) ((returns to pokeball))[18/09/2011 00:20:55]
Scohui the Slowpoke
Oh, duh, Slowpoke is water type! But the others…
[18/09/2011 00:19:50]
spunky raichu
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Scohui the Slowpoke
D of done[18/09/2011 00:17:49]
spunky raichu
hurry slowpoke they got this yamask spammy too….
[18/09/2011 00:17:13]
spunky raichu
quik, let out a pokemon emotocon and kill it! i choose skitty! (bite!) nooo! x-x skitt… skitt… brains!
[18/09/2011 00:15:57]
Scohui the Slowpoke
>> /\
>v /_\
When I get that king's rock…this is going to be on my head (ignore > and v)[18/09/2011 00:15:28]
spunky raichu
NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO poor slowpoke… sob! osb! wait what? oh no! its up! it is a zombie slowpoke! kil it! b4 it infects my umbreon-oh no! x0x (zombie umbreon)
[18/09/2011 00:13:00]
Scohui the Slowpoke
You were soo slow, it died while you did the umbreon
[18/09/2011 00:08:26]
spunky raichu
[18/09/2011 00:06:53]
Scohui the Slowpoke
A dead Slowpoke, apparently
[18/09/2011 00:04:55]
spunky raichu
figured out how to do an umbreon: like this .o.
[18/09/2011 00:04:51]
Scohui the Slowpoke
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Slowpoke?[18/09/2011 00:04:14]
spunky raichu
eww! it will haunt me 4ever! no wait… its… its… wooper! squised against a pane of glass… or something.
[18/09/2011 00:00:08]
spunky raichu
you are silly…
[17/09/2011 23:58:25]
Scohui the Slowpoke
«Ô[ 0 ]Ô»
Don't know what this is[17/09/2011 23:57:28]
spunky raichu
skitty! ^-^ slithering ekans! 7…..; scyther! ?v? that kinda looks like scyther right? snorlax! -_- yay… -_-;
[17/09/2011 23:57:22]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC