
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I like Italy. He's kind of the Spinda with the usefulness of a Magikarp. He also likes…


[11/09/2011 23:20:03]


In my opinion: BEST. ANIME. EVAR. Every man to himself, though.

[11/09/2011 23:18:18]

Scohui the Slowpoke

I'm a boy…

[11/09/2011 23:16:30]

spunky raichu

ooooooh. that sounds,um…. odd.

[11/09/2011 23:15:59]


THE France stereotype in Hetalia. Not french people. I'm American and have never eaten a hamburger in my life, unlike America.


[11/09/2011 23:15:04]

Scohui the Slowpoke

I'm kind of insulted right now….

[11/09/2011 23:12:21]


BTW, France is creepy because he's a boy. And wanted to marry Britain for some reason in eps 10. O.o


[11/09/2011 23:11:23]

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 09-02-11

cant wait to see all your kewl fakemons.

[11/09/2011 23:10:07]


I wouldn't link share with France! I just think that that's my Milotic's brother. He must have got a new one, traded his old one to Japan, who traded me. Besides, France is creepy!

[11/09/2011 23:09:58]

spunky raichu

kewl pic. deviant art usually has the cute pokemon art.

[11/09/2011 23:08:07]

Scohui the Slowpoke

Link sharing? How rude!

[11/09/2011 23:07:22]

Scohui the Slowpoke

Tentacool meat is good for pokemon: puts a lvl1 into a lvl5 in a blink of an eye

[11/09/2011 23:06:38]


…*searches DeviantArt for hetalia pokemon* HEY LOOK FRANCE HAS A MILOTIC JUST LIKE I DO.

[11/09/2011 23:06:05]

spunky raichu

and what the heck is happeared?

[11/09/2011 23:05:31]

spunky raichu

not you,Frostagin. being all innocent w/your pasta. Scohui. how could you? ? poor lil jelles.

[11/09/2011 23:04:37]

Scohui the Slowpoke

They happeared

[11/09/2011 23:01:18]


I didnt kill them. D8 They are taking naps in the computer~


[11/09/2011 23:01:17]

spunky raichu

you killed them? oh. what did they do to you?

[11/09/2011 22:59:15]


I have read those three. Curse made me cry, the rest made me ROFL. :3

[11/09/2011 22:59:07]

Scohui the Slowpoke

If I were a character from a Butterfree's story, I would have been killed already

[11/09/2011 22:58:48]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC