Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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spunky raichu
Jessy: You to prepare but for!
James: We are here hear!
Jessy: To preserve the world for the later decline!
James: For people of our nation can beinvloeden!
Jessy: To show the kwaadaardigheid love!
James: For the poet capacity to come at the time of stars!
Jessy: Jessy!
James: And James!
Jessy: The Rocket team is slightly increasingly faster than him!
James: One fights like a man or give you and yields!
Meowth: Meowth! To appear near![18/09/2011 18:44:22]
spunky raichu
its no use! suddenly rick rips off the bug catcher outfit and…. you can see now that he is a part of the horizontilty order! a section of team rocket run by zombies! a girl jumps out of the bushes and they begin their motto…
[18/09/2011 18:42:48]
Scohui the Slowbro
What, do I look like a coward?
CHARGE![18/09/2011 18:41:30]
spunky raichu
fawn is eaten by the caterpie, too. you scream after realizing rick and his caterpie are both zombies! what will slowbro do? >run left >run right.
[18/09/2011 18:39:03]
Scohui the Slowbro
Let's go nonsensical. Hey Rick! Let's see how much space caterpie's belly has!
[18/09/2011 18:38:23]
Scohui the Slowbro
What the….caterpie? I think not. wait…It can't bite!
[18/09/2011 18:37:02]
spunky raichu
>feel bad for her and comfort her, or >tell ricks caterpie to eat her too.
[18/09/2011 18:36:17]
spunky raichu
in this scene ricks caterpie eats fawns diglett…
[18/09/2011 18:34:34]
Scohui the Slowbro
You can't die by being slow, and I have a life experience of that. Kill it.
[18/09/2011 18:28:48]
spunky raichu
fawn:ill get him! go diglett! diglett stats: lvl 20 hp: full ———- (yes that is how we are showing hp!)
[18/09/2011 18:27:00]
spunky raichu
caterpie stats; lvl 4. only move is string shot…. lame
[18/09/2011 18:21:33]
spunky raichu
random bug catcher named rick appeared! rick: lets battle! go caterpie! use string shot!
[18/09/2011 18:19:32]
Scohui the Slowbro
Gone for a bit to.
route a, please (-;; toto…)[18/09/2011 18:18:08]
spunky raichu
and to look in your item bag, post >item bag. kinda obvious….
[18/09/2011 17:57:36]
spunky raichu
also, i thought of a way to imrove guestbook battles. it will now show you your pokemons hp and level. and as many pokemotocoms as i can. chikorita> .?. totodile> -;;
[18/09/2011 17:53:53]
spunky raichu
gone 4 a bit but now im here. fawn: hey look! thers 2 roads, route and route b! the map says they both go to the gym.. i bet ill get there 1st! (runs off) >route a or > route b?
[18/09/2011 17:46:15]
Scohui the Slowbro
What now?
[18/09/2011 16:45:02]
spunky raichu
fawn; HOOORAYY!!11! (chikorita ta!)
[18/09/2011 16:28:41]
Scohui the Slowbro
…..Sure. Don't be annoying, please
[18/09/2011 16:26:33]
spunky raichu
f: oh yeah, can you do me a favor? can i go on your journey w/ u?
[18/09/2011 16:25:45]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC