
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

spunky raichu
Commenting on: 09-03-11

i like it…. so mia.. now matter how many times i read all (what? 20? 30 words?) of it i cant help but laugh. so material of image!

[18/09/2011 15:49:36]

Scohui the Slowbro

New new bark town ahead, totodile!

[18/09/2011 15:48:16]

spunky raichu

totodile looks at you like, (what? u pokemon train pokemon? mewtwo style? my head huertz….) u now have 2 choices go 2 sunset city or new new bark town. or go into bug forest to catch a bug pokemon.

[18/09/2011 15:37:59]

Scohui the Slowbro

I tell him that I'm the first Pokemon-Pokemon trainer. I'm a slowbro. And the totodile goes inside the pokeball.

[18/09/2011 15:33:33]

spunky raichu

he fades into dust! it is a fake! you didnt know that he had psychic powers! the pokeball drops to the floor… the baby totodile lets itself out! and bites u! prof: here it is, your gift! happy 10th b-day and good luck on your journey! here is a map, 5 empty pokeballs, and a badge case! (shoves u out)… what r u gonna do first?

[18/09/2011 15:31:25]

Scohui the Slowbro

And I no longer have a cloyster on my tail. They removed it and putted a shelder. It's a lot better

[18/09/2011 15:27:16]

Scohui the Slowbro

hit prof in face w/ pokeball

[18/09/2011 15:25:16]

spunky raichu

scene: professor zifzS lab. zifz: ah, welcome to my lab! i have a gift for you…(hands pokeball) go ahead, open it! 2 choices: >open pokeball >hit prof in face w/ what you choose and any questions.

[18/09/2011 15:16:21]

spunky raichu

all right then, are you ready? this is callled a guestbook journey. i will post text that sounds like its out of a video game. in this case, gold and silver.and u post back, i post how that worked, later i will show you how to do more stuff other than what the prof. says, okay?

[18/09/2011 15:12:27]

Scohui the Slowbro

Starter pokemon? Totodile. I just love it. More than pikachu, actually. Because pikachu can't slice everything around him, Feraligatr can.

[18/09/2011 09:59:29]

spunky raichu

no wait, i do mean 3. sorry.

[18/09/2011 02:17:46]

spunky raichu

i mean 4.

[18/09/2011 02:16:38]

spunky raichu

to hear an awsome story about me and my friend slowbro (used to be slowpoke) press the button that says 3 and go to the bottom, when i wish slowpoke a happy birthday, then start reading! i will warn you, its kind of scary. zombie pokemon, and poisonous pokemon named cloyster… read it. now.

[18/09/2011 02:15:04]

spunky raichu

also, isnt it obvious im felling spunky?

[18/09/2011 02:09:25]

spunky raichu

why are you on by that name?

[18/09/2011 02:08:30]


hey spunky richu

how are you?

[18/09/2011 01:44:07]

spunky raichu

you know what, lets make it any 1st part of any 3 part evelution family. yeah. .o.(um? umbree..)

[18/09/2011 01:10:50]

spunky raichu

also, you can have a caterpie as a starter. or wurmple. street rules, baby

[18/09/2011 00:57:02]

spunky raichu

good. do me a favor, and tell me, if you could have any starter from any region, what would it be?

[18/09/2011 00:52:20]

Scohui the Slowbro

Feeling better. I really gotta use this "last" stregth and go to the pokecenter, ok? See you tomorrow (I really hope so..)

[18/09/2011 00:50:20]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC