
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


If you're talking to me, I'm not doing a nuzlocke on my games. These are Pokemon that I own ingame.

[11/09/2011 22:58:06]

spunky raichu

have you read curse? how about the babelfished section? conspiracy theories?

[11/09/2011 22:58:02]

Scohui the Slowpoke

I did. They have lots of juicy experience that needs to be sucked

[11/09/2011 22:56:44]


Haven't read Morphic, not my thing. Don't worry about spoiling it.

Strangely, I don't use my full hand like most people. I just use my fingers.


[11/09/2011 22:56:34]

spunky raichu

what?? well who killed them all? and why hasnt arceus ressurected them yet?

[11/09/2011 22:54:42]


Box for Leafgreen: Magikarp, Sandshrew, Ratata, Pidgey, Butterfree, Mankey, Spearow, Gastly, Diglett, NidoranF x2, Meowth, Zubat, Machop, Geodude, and Voltorb.

Box for Soulsilver: Egg(Totodile), Ditto, Wooper, Pidgeotto, Beedrill, Poliwag, Sentret, Meowth. Sandshrew, Ponyta, Delibird, Eevee, Abra, Hoothoot, Magnetmite, Geodode, Tentacruel, and Spearow.

Box for White Im not saying because I have near two boxes full of Pokemon.

[11/09/2011 22:54:24]

Scohui the Slowpoke

I read them all…poor Will and Mia…..pokecenter machines can heal anything on pokemon, I don't understand why they are already at the grave

[11/09/2011 22:54:09]

Scohui the Slowpoke

In my HS game, do you know what the ocean is full of? Dead tentacool and tentacruel. I train that way

[11/09/2011 22:51:34]

spunky raichu

Frostagin, you type too fast! arrrr…. have either of you read butterfrees morphic?

[11/09/2011 22:50:27]

spunky raichu

omg, ilove talking to you! i cant spell at all….ffjklwefa;fllf;;g;g;g;;kjrhfdwokjiw………

[11/09/2011 22:48:24]


Depends on what game. Diamond I've lost(I miss you Arceus). In Leafgreen I have Venasaur, Raichu, Vaporeon, Vulpix, Nidoking, Victreebel(HM slave) and 6 badges. In White I have Serperior, Riolu, Milotic, I beat the game, and the rest of my team changes. In Soulsilver I have Typlosion, Gyrados, Togetic, Croconaw, Ditto, 7 badges, and the rest of my team changes.


[11/09/2011 22:48:02]

spunky raichu

i think i remember some mention of a genderless legendary egg, but idk. you seem pretty confused as to egg… stuff. breeding. yaeh thats what its called.oshawott spammy.

[11/09/2011 22:46:58]

Scohui the Slowpoke

johto, it's the best

[11/09/2011 22:45:25]

spunky raichu

sounds like a mostly johto team. sweet. what is your fav region? mine is johto, of course.

[11/09/2011 22:43:31]

Scohui the Slowpoke

Do genderless pokemon have eggs?

[11/09/2011 22:42:34]

Scohui the Slowpoke

I have a mantine, a stantler, a rattata, an ekans, a togetic, a hoothoot, a bellsprout, a shuckle, a beedrill, a geodude, a drowzee, a krabby, a zubat, a spearow, a butterfree, a pidgeot, a feraligatr, a tentacool, a furret, a staryu, an ariados and a gyarados.

I have more, but I only want the eggs

[11/09/2011 22:40:19]

spunky raichu

oh, hi! love the catchprase. whos on your pokemon team?

[11/09/2011 22:40:04]


I've been thinking about doing a nuzlocke. But, I've already started all my games. Best nuzlocke comic: Petty Leafgreen. It has a sequel currently going, Petty Heartgold, but the writer isn't updating much.


[11/09/2011 22:38:12]

Scohui the Slowpoke

Oh, in that way! Let me check…

[11/09/2011 22:34:15]

spunky raichu

oh yeah i have a poliwrath, too. forgot.

[11/09/2011 22:31:46]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC