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Scohui the Slowbro
I know what Macdonald's is, okay? You can name whatever you wnat.
Bulbasaur, razor leaf!
BTW, have you ever played a Pokemon battle in Super Smash Bros Brawl?
[18/09/2011 19:45:52]
spunky raichu
also, i named a food after you. the slowbro wrap. kinda like a taco, kinda like pizza.
[18/09/2011 19:37:05]
spunky raichu
your bulbasaur knows take down and razor leaf.
[18/09/2011 19:34:13]
Scohui the Slowbro
Bulbasaur…use…ah… something!
Saur?[18/09/2011 19:21:41]
spunky raichu
zombie james lets out a pikachu! it claps and you are SHOCKED! you faint but tru a game glitch you can still battle w/ another pokemon….
[18/09/2011 19:16:01]
Scohui the Slowbro
What just attacked?
[18/09/2011 19:14:56]
spunky raichu
james:choose to him! Use the thunderclap!
[18/09/2011 19:11:52]
spunky raichu
ahhhh not what i wanted to post!111 !try this again….
[18/09/2011 19:10:29]
spunky raichu
you have found them! they attack…A man started dress as a woman and a woman started dressed since that the peoples and you will say for the approach of the problem that if relates to the base of the establishment to make and to fold to make.
[18/09/2011 19:08:25]
Scohui the Slowbro
I'm always right
[18/09/2011 19:06:35]
spunky raichu
now you look for the h.o to capture thier talking zombie meowth so the prof. can cure it. or something like that.(wow its just like pokemon xd: gale of darknes..) which way? left or right?
[18/09/2011 19:03:08]
Scohui the Slowbro
[18/09/2011 18:56:29]
spunky raichu
pokeball rocking… rocking… you caught it! you leved up to lvl 38!
[18/09/2011 18:54:44]
Scohui the Slowbro
[18/09/2011 18:53:11]
spunky raichu
you get away succesfully… wild bulbasaur appeared! lvl 8 hp half full:—
[18/09/2011 18:51:58]
Scohui the Slowbro
run, like a bawss
[18/09/2011 18:50:07]
spunky raichu
last option > run away to catch a plant lke pokemon. when pokemon are zombietized, they become weak to grass type moves!
[18/09/2011 18:49:37]
spunky raichu
and the caterpie is really a zombie meowth! what will slowbro do? >run. >attack. >try to capture zombie meowth. u can take it to that pokemon prfo. he will know how to cure it! and it can talk…
[18/09/2011 18:47:46]
Scohui the Slowbro
That's awfully familiar…:/
[18/09/2011 18:46:34]
Scohui the Slowbro
Zombie motto…
Plants vs Zombies![18/09/2011 18:45:13]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC