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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-06-22Should be fixed now, thank you!
[09/02/2022 16:41:30]
Commenting on: 02-06-22When switching to Shiny Mode the sprites for the Female and Male Hisuian Sneasel are swapped
[09/02/2022 16:18:39]
Commenting on: 01-01-22I've been reading since some time in 2008 (had to look at the old splash pages to verify haha) and I have no plans to stop any time soon. Looking back, over the past 13 years your site has had a weirdly large influence on me. Your HTML guide got me into web development, if only as a hobby.
I really appreciate that you've kept the old stylesheets around by the way. It's really funny to see the transition from 800px fixed-width layouts to fluid layouts for widescreen monitors to mobile-friendly layouts for screens even narrower than 800px.[31/01/2022 12:13:06]
Commenting on: 01-01-22Happy New Year! I have been reading your site since 2005 and don't plan to stop anytime soon. :)
[31/01/2022 06:36:57]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesAhaha, I had not been alerted! Thank you, I got a kick out of that.
[28/01/2022 18:40:17]
I don't know if you've been alerted, but this website was cited in the supplemental information of a peer reviewed scientific paper!
(The paper is about modeling bias in species distribution models, but uses Pokemon Go data for Kangaskhan as the dataset, and maintains the joke of acting like it is a real animal throughout the paper, complete with a "supplemental information" file about the biology of Kangaskhan, which cites The Cave of Dragonflies' pokemon genetics page.)[28/01/2022 12:58:43]
I love "Butterfree", it was a great read that made me tear up a bit. Glad to see the site is still up!
[15/01/2022 17:30:04]
Website: PokeheroesCame for the personality quizzes, stayed for all the cool things this site has to offer! TCod is one of the coolest fansites I've ever seen. 10/10 would visit again
[07/01/2022 23:53:12]
Website: Field of Innocence Forum
Commenting on: 01-01-22Happy New Year! I'm so glad TCoD is still alive after all these years. :) I hate that personal sites aren't really a thing anymore, but TCoD was always my favorite, and I hope it's around forever.
(Also, is it weird that I loved reading the blog-style updates in 2004? They were fun to read.)[07/01/2022 19:51:59]
Maddox / CarmineKnight / Silverlatios
"Butterfree" so perfectly encapsulates _everything_ it is I adore about your writing. Pokemon being truly people, young trainers struggling to deal with that, absorbing descriptions of mental pain, catharsis. Yes I got a little emotional. I don't even know if I can properly explain it all, except that I LOVE what you do, and it's a TREAT to my day when you share your writing. I drink up every word like precious nectar flavored with the intense love of the Pokemon World. I remember reading "Butterfree" when it first came out, and I loved it then, too, but the revisions deepen it as much as my own analysis have grown over the years, too. I genuinely feel like people could take something away from it regarding the relationships we have with in-game Pokemon, too.
It also feels appropriate to restate my general appreciation for the more general work you do, keeping this website up, and everything. It is indeed sad being in a time when websites like this are hardly a thing anymore(to greatly understate my unhappiness with the state of the internet world.). The Cave of Dragonflies is truly loved and appreciated.[03/01/2022 18:51:49]
Commenting on: 01-01-22Oh… that story was beautiful, thank you so much for sharing it. The characters' emotions feel so real and raw. I actually burst into tears near the end.
Happy new year, anyway! Here's hoping for more mechanics testing opportunities in 2022.[03/01/2022 08:14:39]
Commenting on: 01-01-22Here's to a happier 2022! I somehow manage to always be surprised when you shout me out here, but it's such a delight and so lovely, so thank you <3
Also DANG the new revision of Butterfree was great! I love all the additions and changes to the ending, it feels overall more thoughtful and like the protagonist is really *listening* to both Butterfree and their other Pokemon now![03/01/2022 02:58:41]
Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 01-01-22Happy new year! And somehow I completely failed to make the connection that the "Butterfree" revision was posted on new year's day. Congrats on getting that accomplished!
Thanks for the shout-out, and I'm glad I was able to make your 2021 a bit better. Wish you the best in 2022! <3[03/01/2022 02:19:03]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-02-21Neat, thanks for letting me know!
[05/12/2021 08:57:07]
Commenting on: 12-02-21It's kinda funny that the top post is on catch mechanics when this website just got a shout out from Youtuber Josh Strife Hayes on his recent Pokemon Red and Blue video, specifically for the information about catch rates in Generation 1.
[05/12/2021 01:20:52]
Commenting on: 11-02-21HAPPPY BIRTTHHDAYYYYYY
[02/12/2021 15:41:40]
Brady :)
Commenting on: 11-02-21I just turned 19 in August! It's remarkable that you've kept the website running for so long. What a strange idea, that a website has existed about the same amount of time that I have! Congratulations and thank you for keeping it up so long!!
[22/11/2021 13:38:24]
Commenting on: 11-02-21I think it captures that balance between nostalgia and modernism pretty well!
[07/11/2021 12:56:57]
Commenting on: 11-02-21Truly amazing just how long this site has been around huh. I like checking back every year or so and seeing that yeah, it sure is still around, and yeah, everything that I remember being there is there and then some. Love it.
[03/11/2021 13:56:16]
Website: Nose ClubRe: "A visitor's" message, go leave some posts in the forum. :D You'd be surprised who's still around and who may remember you!
Happy 19th birthday, TCoD! Here's to even more years and even more good times! ^^[03/11/2021 12:31:19]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC