
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: urmom

wow i was here

[01/04/2021 18:05:17]

Commenting on: 03-31-21

o n l y s c y t h e r

[01/04/2021 14:40:19]

Commenting on: 03-31-21

Hahaha this update is great!

[01/04/2021 11:20:02]

Commenting on: 03-31-21

Wow! According to the new favorite picker, my favorite is now scyther! Who'd have guessed?

[01/04/2021 09:14:20]


New Morphic finally dropped?!?!! SQUEAL!!!

[31/03/2021 23:11:06]

Website: Nose Club

Love the new updates! The bold new direction of Morphic is really exciting and definitely takes cliche old tropes in a new direction. I'm excited for Jean and Will to be superheroes with everyone! :D

I'm also pleased to announce that after taking the updated favourite Pokemon picker, my fave Pokemon is officially Scyther. Fwee!

[31/03/2021 21:45:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Abilities didn't exist in the first two generations!

[15/03/2021 03:47:45]


What was Venomoth's ability in Gens 1 and 2? APparently ShieldDust was introduced Gen3 and TintedLens was introduced in Gen4. What am I missing?

[14/03/2021 21:06:13]


well, it did. now it says "seemingly an error".

[02/03/2021 02:08:24]


in light of your angry tweet about people calling things bugs, it seems like you might be interested to know the bulbapedia page for "level ball" calls the level ball thing "seemingly an oversight".

[26/02/2021 02:14:27]

Website: Grenin's Place

I'm going to retake a couple of quizzes on here. The quizzes are my favourite part of TCoD.

[15/02/2021 05:59:56]


Started playing Pokémon again so I thought I'd drop by and sign the guestbook of a site I used to go on all the time :)

[11/02/2021 22:55:01]

Commenting on: 01-30-21

The calculator spouts some weird NaN stuff if you use the new Level Ball formula stuff and get a guaranteed capture.

[10/02/2021 11:18:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Well, the only other math competitions I know are the Icelandic preselection competitions for the IMO. Those had way, way easier problems, but a lot more of them, while the IMO is just three thoroughly hard problems per day, which you get four and a half hours to work on. In terms of the actual competition, that's the main difference between it and the others I've done personally: just a few problems, super hard, intense brain workout for four and a half hours two days in a row.

Then there's of course the whole deal with it being this international event; you travel to the place with your coaches, they take you touristing, there are big opening and closing ceremonies and dinners… There's a whole big experience around it, unlike the local competitions. But I don't know if you're wondering about that kind of thing.

[06/02/2021 20:39:46]


Random question: How does going to the IMO feel like? Does it differ from other math competitions? If so, how?

[06/02/2021 14:28:54]

Clicker Enthusiast

My mistake! I wasn’t able to get that to work on mobile.

[05/02/2021 21:30:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

You already can! Just drag and drop Pokémon on the "Found favorites" list.

[05/02/2021 13:02:41]

Clicker Enthusiast

How feasible would it be to have a mode in the Favorite Pokémon Clicker that allows you edit the Favorite Pokémon List directly? After one round of clicking the entire dex, being able to organize what I’ve already chosen would be incredibly convenient. Regardless, I really appreciate the amount of work that’s gone into it and enjoy seeing how my favorites change each time a new batch of Pokémon come out. It’s truly an incredible tool.

[05/02/2021 00:41:06]

Commenting on: 01-30-21

That's really interesting. I believe that it fits in canonically with one of the "Pokémon Adventures" manga scenes in which Crystal throws a Level Ball at full-health Arceus. However, that was in the HGSS arc, so I'm not sure whether it was informed or just by chance.

[01/02/2021 14:59:15]

Commenting on: 01-30-21

Oh, how interesting about the level ball!! How does it work in later gens like HGSS?

[01/02/2021 07:29:40]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC