
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 11-02-21


[02/12/2021 15:41:40]

Brady :)
Commenting on: 11-02-21

I just turned 19 in August! It's remarkable that you've kept the website running for so long. What a strange idea, that a website has existed about the same amount of time that I have! Congratulations and thank you for keeping it up so long!!

[22/11/2021 13:38:24]

Commenting on: 11-02-21

I think it captures that balance between nostalgia and modernism pretty well!

[07/11/2021 12:56:57]

Commenting on: 11-02-21

Truly amazing just how long this site has been around huh. I like checking back every year or so and seeing that yeah, it sure is still around, and yeah, everything that I remember being there is there and then some. Love it.

[03/11/2021 13:56:16]

Website: Nose Club

Re: "A visitor's" message, go leave some posts in the forum. :D You'd be surprised who's still around and who may remember you!

Happy 19th birthday, TCoD! Here's to even more years and even more good times! ^^

[03/11/2021 12:31:19]

A visitor.
Website: Click here

Stopping by as I do from time to time. I hope life is good for you and yours, friend.
A bit heavy in a way from here on :

Visiting here is painful. In a good way, but also, you know… a painful way. SO, so, so, so many good times. So many friends and people I truly cared about. I don't know a single one these days. Not for lack of trying but you know how time is.
I'm happy to see this is still around. I first found this I believe in 2008 and I think I first jaunted around the forum around 2009.
It feels so strange. What has happened to all my friends? It's a rhetorical question but I still wonder about it from time to time. Are they doing good? Are they still alive at all? Where are they now.
Everything was so insanely different then, and I'm trying to think that in a perspective that's not biased or you know "i was a kid so obviously". Something different than that. It was a different internet.
To all those people, and to you smallest of bugs, strongest of dragons. Dragonfree/AA I hope everything is going well and I wish you the best possible with all of my heart. Thank you for being a safe place to explore my formative years with friends and peers in all sorts of ways not just related to pokemon. Bless your souls.

[02/11/2021 20:04:35]


I just found this site and the write-ups on various things are awesome. The explanations are very clear and the level of detail is fascinating. I feel like this is everything a website should be so just wanted to say thanks!

[02/11/2021 03:54:31]


Hey there! I used to visit this site regularly when I was a kid making my first forays into the internet. I recently saw something that reminded me of this place, so I decided to stop by. I'm really happy to see that not only is it still up, it's still being updated! I might stop by more often now. It's impressive how much it's both changed and stayed the same. Keep on keeping on!

[29/10/2021 02:52:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-19-21

Wow, I have no idea how that happened.

[01/10/2021 16:38:45]

Commenting on: 07-19-21

*Conclusions, not conclucions. :)

[30/09/2021 22:14:32]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-05-21

You may need to shift+refresh in order for the script to properly update itself, or something in that vein.

[31/08/2021 00:15:58]

Michael Garn
Commenting on: 08-05-21

Still having the same problem; this is the list I'm trying to resume from:

[30/08/2021 16:39:43]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-05-21

Fixed, thanks!

[30/08/2021 15:39:05]

Michael Garn
Commenting on: 08-05-21

On the favorite pokemon picker app, nothing happens when I click "continue from this list" the second time. (I click it within the link, and I get a pop up showing the 80 or so on my old list, but when I click "continue from this list" within the pop-up, it doesn't seem to recognize that I'm clicking at all. I tried this in both chrome and edge on a windows 10 laptop.

[30/08/2021 13:47:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-05-21

Ah, thank you!

[18/08/2021 14:20:48]

Commenting on: 08-05-21

Umm, please, excuse me, I don't want to be annoying.

You changed the sprite of Xerneas at the correct sprite, but forgot to change the shiny sprite too.

[18/08/2021 06:07:57]

Commenting on: 08-05-21

Okay, I admit you're right. I am obsessed with these things, and I emphasize the word "obsessed". Judging things for a single reason among so many variables is not enough of a difference.

But there was one more mistake that I forgot to mention to you, just one: the Xerneas sprites. It is true that Xerneas has two forms: neutral and active. But the two sprites of her are the same, the neutral mode. Is just change the active mode sprite.

[15/08/2021 11:53:13]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-05-21

To add - people being annoyed with having to rank eighteen different Arceus forms in particular separately was literally the reason I implemented the major only distinction to begin with!

[15/08/2021 10:20:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-05-21

Thanks for the corrections. I simply disagree with your quibbles with the major/minor designations, though. The point of designating some form changes as major and others as minor is to let people pick between forms that they like more than others, without wasting their time making them sort through dozens of forms that aren't actually different enough for an average person to meaningfully like one but not another.

Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist's forms, for example, literally look identical; I have a very hard time imagining that there exist many people in the world who could meaningfully say that Super Pumpkaboo is one of their favorite Pokémon but Small Pumpkaboo isn't. Given this, making people rank five different sizes of Pumpkaboo as if they should really care is just wasting their time!

On a similar basis, I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that they like specifically Red Flower Florges but not Yellow Flower Florges, or Flying Arceus but not Bug Arceus. These aren't fundamental aesthetic changes to the Pokémon that would alter whether the Pokémon is appealing; they're just tweaks. Maybe you prefer Red Flower Florges over Yellow Flower Florges, but is there a Pokémon X where you distinctly like Red Flower Florges more than X but Yellow Flower Florges less than X? If not, then it's pointless to make you rank all the colors separately.

I'm sure there might exist people who just despise anything that's yellow and therefore hate Yellow Flower Florges specifically, or whatever - but I expect they're a vast minority compared to the people to whom ranking those partial color changes as separate Pokémon would just be a pointless annoyance.

[15/08/2021 10:16:18]

Commenting on: 08-05-21

Hi, thanks for separate forms of Pokémon. But I want to say the mistakes that I found.

The form of Unbound Hoopa is in the "other battle transformations", and this form not happen in battle, is out of battle. Should be "other alternative forms".

The forms of Florges and his evolutive family appears when the mark "major forms only" isn't cheked. Looking their forms with notable different colors, I think their forms have major differences.

The forms of Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist have the same case, only if the mark "only forms major" is uncheked. These forms have changes in their stats, so these forms have major differences.

The form of Ultra-Necrozma should be a "other battle transformation", it show when the mark "other alternative forms" is cheked, but this form only changes in battle.

The forms of Silvally and Arceus show with the mark "only forms major" is uncheked. They are a major differences, I think.

And the Fairy Arceus is not introduced in the 4th generation, it was in the 6th generation, when the pixie plate was introduced.

Is ok Zygarde 10% in "other alternative forms", but Zygarde Complete should be in "other battle transformations".

Male Indeedee show in normal an psyquic types and is ok, but female forms only show in psyquic type. Both are psyquic/normal type.

This is all that I want to comunicate.

[15/08/2021 09:11:19]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC