
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: mothcore

the psychic "which trainer class are you" test works for real i got artist and i do like drawing and the dewey decimal system (though the universal decimal classification is better <3)

[30/08/2022 09:26:50]


Clue! Lol, jk. I cant get clue game clue 4. This site is epic, too!

[23/08/2022 11:55:33]


Thank you for writing your HTML guide. I struggled with it more than many things. I appreciate your style.

[13/08/2022 01:59:02]

Valyce Negative
Website: Click here

I've been surfing on Web Archive lately to look at all those pages I used to follow in the mid 2000s before the era of social media.
Sadly most are dead, so I'm very glad to find that The Cave Of Dragonflies is, instead, still alive and updated! Your webcorner has always been very cozy and all your pages are a pleasure to read.
Unfortunately my site isn't eligible to affiliate (due to it being an art gallery with only a few Pokèmon fanarts), but this doesn't mean I can't stick around and follow your updates :P
Kudos for the beautiful site and its lenghty life!

[05/08/2022 09:36:38]

Commenting on: 07-09-22

Sounds good to me! It’s impossible to get all of them anyway(unless you’re IndigoClaudia.)

[23/07/2022 12:25:47]

Website: The Web Site of Viatrix

(From The Style Switcher)
> In other words, [Old School Style]'s a joke style, so treat it accordingly

turns out I actually like Old School Style a lot! It's dark mode, the elements are in places I like, and the text is a good size for reading! :p

[05/07/2022 15:56:36]

Commenting on: 02-06-22

Just a suggestion, if you can. Can you used the 2D model rather than the 3D?? Although it's look more life, some monster 3D model just looks bad.

[13/06/2022 17:52:12]

Website: Dakine Shiba Inu's Oregon and California

Cute Site!

[07/06/2022 21:19:36]


I spent hours on this site as a kid and just today rediscovered you thanks to a friend linking their favourite Pokemon list… knowing this website is still up and running and has a guestbook in the year of our lord 2022 makes me incredibly happy <3 Keep up the good work!

[06/06/2022 13:07:33]

Website: Click here

i heard an anecdote about end-user license agreements today and it reminded me of your marquee of doom :p
EULAs: the most doomy marquees :p

[31/05/2022 05:24:08]


I actually stumbled back here after so long, i'd like to think probably more than a decade, due to the favorite pokemon sorter. It's really a blast to the past and feels like a time capsule checking out all the pages and subjecting myself to the marquee of doom once again.
I'll probably go back and read your fandfic. I remember being enraptured by your work back then and I look forward to being enraptured once again.

Hope you're doing well after all this time and thank you for keeping up this website for so long.

[25/05/2022 16:40:13]


I'm using your Locations pages (Gen I Locations, etc), which incidentally are really useful, but I keep trying to middle click the results in the dropdown to open them in a new tab so that I can easily compare different floors, but instead it just opens in the current tab.

Is there any way to make it so that middle clicking opens them in a new tab?

[14/05/2022 16:51:36]


I just want to say I'm glad to see that this website is still up and running. You were a big part of my childhood, when I spent a good portion of my day browsing Pokemon fansites and personal sites. I was pretty bummed out to find that a lot of them were straight up gone, but seeing that TCoD is still here kinda puts a warm feeling in my heart.

When I was in middle school I would read your webmaster guides and try out your layouts. I didn't really grasp it all too well then, but coming back to things like this has been really reigniting my initial love of web design and coding. I hope you're still doing well after all these years.

[30/04/2022 02:38:28]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-28-17

Your browser probably has some form of "Save Page As…" option; I get it when I right-click the page, for instance. Use that to save the picker page, then open the downloaded html file to edit it.

[25/04/2022 04:57:23]

Commenting on: 09-28-17

I want to make my own version of the pokemon favorite picker that includes some cool fakemon but I don't want to start from scratch with the github link, is there a way I can just copy the exact code the way it is so I can add my items to it?

[24/04/2022 20:37:12]

Maddox / CarmineKnight / Silverlatios

Oh heck yeah, I needed an excuse to replay all of Sutoraiku High for hours because I forgot to go back to the updated version. Thanks for all the fun things you make, Butterfree.

[01/04/2022 19:06:50]

Commenting on: 03-31-22

First run didn't turn out too well. I told you this before but I always check your site around this time of year because you always post something interesting. I'll have to play the game some more but I might need to play Sutoraiku High just to remind me what I even did there last time. Regardless thanks for all of the hard work you do on the site in general.

[01/04/2022 01:01:52]


I just wanna say that Serena from XY(Z) is my favourite Pokemon character and seeing Masters Serena with a haircut similar to the anime haircut made me very happy.

[25/03/2022 20:07:53]

Commenting on: 12-02-21

I 'unno how this trult works and, I know you might not want this but. Hope you're doing well, regardless of what you think of me. Ans I hope you continue making this site, it's cool.

I also hope this doesn't show my email publicly lol

Have a good one if you see this

[15/03/2022 16:18:49]

Website: swifty's hq
Commenting on: 01-01-22

hello ^_^ long long long time reader, first time commenter, i think…

it's been many many years, but i still fondly remember your site (and many others like it!) from my years as a preteen browsing the internet in 2003-2008ish. i'm really really happy to see it still alive and well when all the others have fallen into the internet archives.

your site has always been a very big inspiration to me! and i finally made my own personal website as a love letter to sites like yours. i'm hoping to keep up with it as a little home for myself on the modern internet.

anyways! thank you so much for the years of memories, and for sticking around :-)!

[08/03/2022 16:57:20]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC