
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Should be, just need to finish the game myself.

[10/12/2022 21:41:27]


Will the gen 9 favorite picker be out before the end of the year?

[10/12/2022 20:47:28]

Commenting on: 11-02-22

Waiting excitedly for gen 9 pokemon in the pokemon picker :)

[30/11/2022 22:19:06]


Just stumbled upon this website when I was searching for a quiz which would confirm what my favourite Pokémon was. I was expecting to fall into the pits of a BuzzFeed quiz so imagine my delight when I ended up here instead ! This site takes me back to the good old internet of the early 2000s and I LOVE it. Thank you for the nostalgia trip and here's to another twenty years!

[23/11/2022 19:18:46]


I'm glad you keep the site up and running to this day; I'm pretty sure your dedication to this site is why I've been so into Pokemon my whole life!

So, thank you!!

[21/11/2022 19:34:09]

Commenting on: 11-02-22

I have stumbled across this site every once in a while since I was a child, so it makes my heart feel quite soft to see that it's been 20 years and counting now. Happy belated birthday TCoD! Thank's for sticking it out for this long <3

Hope everyone has fun with Scarlet and Violet this weekend! Happy hunting o7

[17/11/2022 05:21:05]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-02-22

I did it for people like you, anon!

(And thank you all for the well-wishes!)

[12/11/2022 18:08:13]

Commenting on: 11-02-22

The updated styles are lovely but I'm glad you haven't removed the old ones. I'm using 8pt single-spaced Torkoal lava style until the site shuts down or until I need glasses.

[12/11/2022 12:49:20]

Commenting on: 11-02-22

Happy website birthday!

[12/11/2022 04:20:20]

Commenting on: 11-02-22

I have been coming here since 2005, and I know my Pokémon skills have become rusty when I couldn't name three of them in a row to clear the check.

Nevertheless, a Happy Belated Birthday to TCoD. Most websites have succumbed to the temptation to use cookie-clutter templates, but I am happy my favourites, TCoD, Serebii and Dogasu's Backpack, have not.

Here's a virtual cake to the cave! 🍰

[07/11/2022 19:54:40]

Commenting on: 11-02-22

Happy twentieth, TCoD! It's always comforting to know that at least one of the websites that was so near and dear to my little kid heart is still trucking. Hope the next twenty are just as fun!

[02/11/2022 21:58:46]

Website: Thousand Roads
Commenting on: 11-02-22

Eyyy, happy birthday to TCoD! It's wild to think that it's been twenty years, although I haven't been around for all of it. When you mentioned you were working on a nostalgic update, I wondered if it might have something to do with styling… very appropriate! And it must have been a load of work, too. Props on putting all of this together.

It's been a lot of fun flipping through styles I remember from long ago. Hellfire is so very not a modern style, lol, I love it. Torkoal is perhaps a dark horse fave of mine; very pleasing color palette, I think–very calm.

Thanks for all the memories and best of luck on twenty more years! I can't wait to see what's coming in the future. PLA catch mechanics sounds intriguing; I'm curious how those end up being different than mainline in practice!

[02/11/2022 13:42:53]

Website: Kurs angielskiego online

Beautifull colors. Beautiful website

[29/10/2022 17:01:28]


The capture mechanics pages and calculator have been super helpful and informative for my ingame runs. Truly appreciate the research you've done. Any chance you'll add the Safari Zone and its rock and bait capture modifiers to it?

[22/10/2022 15:32:16]


gligar rocks

[17/10/2022 14:29:55]

Commenting on: 09-28-22

I too would like to voice my appreciation for ah that particular script

[16/10/2022 13:01:23]

Commenting on: 09-28-22

Wow. I hadn't read that fic since it was first posted and forgot how it ended. The ending was so… chilling.

The fic was really great, though! I liked it a lot.

[10/10/2022 17:14:34]


(The guestbook is a bit of an awkward system to leave empty replies to, but let it be known I am :3 to add another layer to the general buzz about that show
>:) )

Bro, Undertale has had a huge update right now, a really cool (& HILARIOUS) 2000s themed minisite with lots of (not-very-)hidden links to new content… but every gen Zer is calling the infodrop an ARG 😭😭😭 Even though the site has a little hint page that stresses it's not an ARG 😭😭 ITS NOT AN ARG YOU KIDS ITS SECRET LINKS YOU WOULD ALL KNOW IF YOU WERE STILL GOING TO THE COOL WEBSITE "THE "CAVE OF DRAGONFLIE'S""!!!!!!!!!!!!
also like it hits like a truck that.. there used to be one million of these but I cant even think of any other examples.. I didnt even realise a generation had never seen it before since everything is now hosted on rigid socmed or a professional portfolio/business site… remember how it even used to say here (I think) that you wanted a secret link hunt cuz everyone had one? Sigh…

…. Also ive found a bunch of ppl clutching their hearts at the reveal of a character's LJ blog, complete with all the right ascii emotes X) & they are wishing direly they could have this in their lives. I HAVE 30 YEAR OLD FRIENDS THAT STILL TALK LIKE THIS (stares at hands) DID WE LOOP PAST "EMBARRASSINGLY OUTDATED" & HAVE SINCE PLUNGED DEEP INTO "MYTHICAL ANCIENTS" (CRYING)

[19/09/2022 15:25:44]

Strawberry eggs

I visited this site way back in the day. It's good to still see it!

[19/09/2022 09:57:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Ooh, I keep hearing good things about that show. I really should!

[10/09/2022 10:05:40]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC