Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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So, my last day of school is tomorrow, then summer break. Usually, this at least somewhat excites me, but not this year. I've noticed that in recent years, I've became more and more apathetic at the prospect of school ending; which, is odd enough in and of itself, since I do really love school / learning. But whatever; I'll be a (high school) senior next year.
On an unrelated note, a few days ago I tried to join a Power Rangers forum, and I ran into a hurdle. I was trying to register with my real name as the username (it wasn't taken), which wasn't, in and of itself, the problem. It kept telling me that I couldn't register because of a policy against spammers; it did say something about going to some page if you think it to be in error, but the page didn't even exist. The problem was that I, like an idiot, overlooked the fact that I share my name with the Blue Ranger in Power Rangers Samurai. It took forever to realize this, and was very stressful.
I spent a lot of time today recreating an image that was mistakenly deleted when I switched user accounts on my Laptop; it is just an image with evenly spaced white squares on a black background in a 25x25 configuration, plus, one extra row with only 24 in it. Lets see, 25 squared plus 24? 649. What could possibly be in these squares? Yes, every single Pokemon, roughly centered. The boxes are for building teams in a graphical way, instead of typing it or writing it. I suppose I could use Pearl version's living pokedex, and actually do so, but that doesn't really work for Unova Pokemon.
Wow, I never have this much to say. Especially about myself.[27/05/2011 03:45:16]
Ooooooh yeah that. (google is my friend.)
[27/05/2011 01:11:11]
me gusta face? Is that the one where he's all like e/\e ?
[27/05/2011 01:09:26]
Mostly Armless
Definitely heard it then.
Freaking WEIRD!!!
Not as bad as the me gusta face, but still pretty darned strange![26/05/2011 04:45:10]
Website: LeafClanHi!
[25/05/2011 22:34:47]
I should. And to think that I thought that American Pie was the longest rock song(8:36 according to Band Hero)…[25/05/2011 18:59:44]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou should hear Echoes by Pink Floyd. It's twenty-three and a half minutes.
[25/05/2011 12:54:16]
Not to mention the fact that it's LONGER THAN STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN. 13 seconds longer, to be exact.
[25/05/2011 11:16:23]
Number nine, number nine. A piano piece and a lot of backwards music. Various sound clips. Basically what the song consists of.
[25/05/2011 10:28:33]
Mostly Armless
Hmm…. I heard Phish do a remix of it. It was pretty strange, but I don't know the original version.
[25/05/2011 03:45:53]
Sorry. I was over reacting. You do have a good point.
Hey, does anyone other than me find "Revolution 9" creepy?(If you're wondering it's a musical thingy by the Beatles. Not exactly a song.)[24/05/2011 13:48:40]
Sound FX
I wasn't saying that I didn't like it, I was simply saying that I prefer it when it's blue as well as black, and I wish the sprite would stay blue. It's an awesome shade.
Whats lame is that it can't do that. I did like the point you made about most electric pokemon flashing their electricity. Still an awesome pokemon in general, just could be better.
Point being, that I get it, and I will shut up about it now.[23/05/2011 21:44:51]
Isn't Zekrom like wildly more popular than Reshiram anyweay?
[23/05/2011 19:32:13]
I'm going to ignore you now, because it turns out that someone in the world actually likes Zekrom. Imagine that.
[22/05/2011 15:23:11]
Sound FX
Still lame.
[22/05/2011 14:41:42]
I think that's because it essentially IS electricity. :P
[21/05/2011 13:49:21]
Rotom keeps an electric glow,
[21/05/2011 12:50:08]
Yeah, while Pokemon with active fire on their body keep the fire, or at least hold it for a while. Remember that Cyndaquil only has fore on its back sometimes.
[20/05/2011 23:03:58]
Squornshellous Beta
Isn't flickering… kind of how they portray electricity, though? I mean, I can't think of a single sprites where it displays a single, sustained electric glow.
[20/05/2011 15:43:02]
Sound FX
Yeah, but the tail doesn't stay blue like Reshiram's stay's fiery.
It's kind of weird that Reshiram can keep his flame going for a few seconds, but Zekrom can't keep his tail and body charged. They flicker.[20/05/2011 02:59:54]
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