Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: 06-11-11I think Ferroseed and Ferrothorn are not cocoons. They're some spiky seeds.
[12/06/2011 06:43:09]
Commenting on: 06-11-11Made me smile too. :D
(Note: I'm being nice. I could bore you all with a story.)[12/06/2011 01:12:17]
There was one other change I noticed–while in battle, if you try to use an item on a Pokémon that wouldn't benefit from it (e.g. trying to use a Revive on a non-fainted Pokémon or a Hyper Potion on a Pokémon with full health), the game not only tells you that it would have no effect, it skips your turn. Can be useful if you don't want to waste PP on a Poison/Burned/whatever'd opponent, but it's extremely irritating when you just misclick during an important battle.
Did that make sense? Didn't think so.[11/06/2011 22:10:15]
Commenting on: 06-11-11Glad you included the "Welcome Back". It made me smile too. ;)
[11/06/2011 18:28:17]
And, you were right.
[11/06/2011 18:18:50]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesAlmost done, by which I mean "I've written them and just need to proofread." Hopefully they'll be up a bit later today.
[11/06/2011 11:16:49]
No B/W changes yet? I need to stop being so anxious to read those. Just wondering where they are? It's been nearly a week…
[11/06/2011 09:18:47]
Add on that the move has to be Waterfall, the last HM of the games….
That would be a recipe for disaster! (considering that Eevee can't even learn it.)[11/06/2011 04:39:47]
That sounds like a recipe for a Pokegod right there.
For extra fun, make it so it has to know only two or three moves (or just one). You'd have to go to the Move Deleter to remove the extraneous ones.[11/06/2011 01:26:11]
While it is not relevant to the discussion at hand, I was just looking through some of my old posts on a forum, and, it was a thread about speculation of future Eeveelutions. I had said something about wanting a Normal type one, and followed up with:
"I wouldn't even care if it evolved by leveling up in a specific location with max happiness at a certain time of day while holding a certain item and knowing a specific move!"
Which, looking back, that would be a horrible method of evolution. Not only would it be incredibly difficult, it would be so obvious that it was made like that for the purpose of being incredibly difficult.
Also, pretty much the only way I could make that evolution method any more difficult would be by making it four specific moves, instead of one, and take place at a time so specific that it includes seconds, and take place on a specific tile.
But, enough with impossibly difficult evolution methods.[10/06/2011 23:58:23]
My favorite styles are Bouncy Mew and the super-secret Butterfree style. I do, on occasion, use Articuno Snowflake and Voice of the Forest, though.
[10/06/2011 22:32:15]
I use Bouncy Mew style :3
[10/06/2011 21:36:00]
I typically use the Scyther style, but the Dialga one is really awesome too.
Minimal Dewgong? Most certainly not.[10/06/2011 02:40:35]
TRsRockin is still available with Wayback Machine. *is happy*
[09/06/2011 02:22:35]
I like Dialga and Hellfire mostly. This preferred darkness probably comes from my love of TRSRockin(now sadly defunct) and its dark palate.
[09/06/2011 02:18:21]
Mostly Armless
I personally like the old Shiny Umbreon style the best, with Scyther Slash coming in for second.
…unless that question was aimed at butterfree?[08/06/2011 18:21:11]
I know that a lot of people must dislike the Minimal Dewgong style but I happen to like Dugongs even if I don't like Dewgong. What is your favorite style??? *Stares intently at computer screen*
[08/06/2011 02:27:08]
@Butterfree/Dragonfree: Really? It seems to me like grass-types are used fairly frequently. I'm planning on using one in the League. It always takes me a really long time for every game because I train my entire team to the same level. My dedication TOTALLY pays off in the end.
[08/06/2011 01:21:54]
Well Ever knows what an Administrator is. Zeesh, I can be so clueless. :P Thanks! (And yes, I almost always talk about myself in the third person!)
[08/06/2011 01:17:47]
Administrator. It's the term given for someone who watches over or guides activities in a specific place.
[08/06/2011 00:16:36]
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