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Commenting on: 07-04-11I liked the Malkee line…I kinda found some of your concepts interesting. That's why I voted for making sprites of them, since I'm the type who doesn't like to abandon anything she's done already.
Also, are you going to keep the old guide up somewhere, or delete it completely?[07/07/2011 01:40:54]
Battle Engrish:
[pkmn]'s [attack] to assail!
Crit- Hit home!
Tackle- GO ALL OUT
Tail Whip- WAG TAIL
Scratch- SCRATCH(Finally something makes sense!)
Faint screen- the enemy's [pkmn] falls down!
EXP gain-[pkmn] has got [exp] an experience value!
Level Up- [pkmn] the levelhas reached [level]!
Sorry for incompleteness, I accidentally closed the ROM.[06/07/2011 19:38:19]
Website: Pokemon Green EngrishYou guys just HAVE to hear this. There is a Green rom(link above) that has the worst engrish. From the little I can understand, the Pokemon(also reffered to as pocket monsters) are a PET and proffessor Aochider (Oak) is a studier of this PET. Here is Charmander's data when you select it's Pokeball:
burns the fire on the tail from the time it was born and ends its life as ther fire burns out.
After you exit the description screen Aochider says: Why! flame PET Is there also a shadow of human figure?
…O.o Somebody used Babelfish to translate this game.[06/07/2011 19:27:13]
Hello People! its been a while. ive spent my summer playing a swedish game called minecraft and screwing around on my wii.
[06/07/2011 10:14:35]
@ Kevin: Ahhh, scholarly type, are we? My brother is like that, when he not being REALLY clueless :P
[06/07/2011 00:08:13]
Though it's been several days since I mentioned going to Freedom Fest in Murray, Kentucky, I'm still going to say what happened.
Every GSP scholar at Murray flash mobbed at Freedom Fest. Yes. It was really awesome, though there were more of us scholars there than other people, but still.[05/07/2011 13:32:22]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 07-04-11Oh, I've wanted to put Malkee on the chopping block for years - I just felt like if I had a poll in the first place I couldn't just decide not to do what it said, which in retrospect was rather silly.
[05/07/2011 10:38:06]
Leilana, Malkee fan
Commenting on: 07-04-11I was the biggest Malkee fan ever.
[05/07/2011 09:32:54]
Plastic Box
Commenting on: 07-04-11Haha, I was actually one of the people who voted to abandon Malkee + co., though the wording probably inclines people towards the less.. 'inflammatory' options. Of course I know it's all in jest and that's why I clicked it anyway cough
The way I see it, the majority of voters were kids who'll latch onto any old idea? That's why there's dA pages with a million OCs, not even getting into the quality of them. When we really buckle down, the driving concept behind the Malkee line was to demonstrate the creation process, and we've got to be honest here: seven evolutions or however many is going a bit overboard, just to tell people what a water or dark type generally looks like. You've got to be real harsh with your ideas at the chopping block (oops, just using the 'general you' there), because there's basically infinity of them, and less so of you.
I do wish I'd mentioned this earlier (and maybe it'd have influenced you, even?? hehe), but by the time I realised it the poll was maybe a year old, and I figured that was far too late. Ahh, irony… probably not irony. Basically, I say it's the best choice, and here's hoping the rewrite chugs along swell now.[05/07/2011 08:55:36]
@ Frostagin and dolphingirl: I caught MissingNo. in my Blue version. Then the next time I tried the glitch, I saw a Team Rocket dude and my game froze.
[05/07/2011 04:21:20]
A. L. Smith II
Commenting on: 07-03-11I am so glad to see some real content updates. I miss the more frequent updates, but I guess you've pretty much covered everything already. Anyway, this looks like a cool section. I love how you can clarify concepts that just skip the minds of green webmasters :)
[04/07/2011 23:31:41]
I want a rom so I can catch MissingNo. in Yellow. I think Yellow is more interesting than R/B anyway.
[03/07/2011 16:28:34]
Website: Staraptor's HangoutYes! I can't believe it! I am finally getting a game boy advance AND pokemon red! Mwehehe! I'm going to catch MissingNo. And talking of MissingNo…. Has anyone here ever caught it?
[03/07/2011 08:22:21]
Yep. Same with Arceus or with a Pokemon that's become pure flying via Color Change/Conversion/Conversion 2. But did you know that in Gen IV, having a pure Flying-type use Roost would turn it into a ???-type? … Not Tornadus, obviously, but the other ones.
[02/07/2011 23:17:49]
Did you know, if you hack tornadous to have roost it would turn pure normal when you used it?
[02/07/2011 19:52:28]
BTW, said festival is in Knott County and is Sep. 8-10
[01/07/2011 17:59:47]
Lucky. Of course, I'm not old enough to do that yet(which I probably will do it when I'm older).
I hope that I get to go to this year's Gingerbread Festival (lol unrelated). There's the BEST GINGERBREAD EVAR there and not to mention I have family down there that is awesome.[01/07/2011 17:58:04]
It's Day Seven of Governor's Scholars, which is this program in Kentucky in which, basically, over the summer, upcoming Seniors stay at a college campus for five weeks.
So far, it's been really fun. I'm at Murray State University (which, from where I live, is a seven-and-a-half hour drive), and the town of Murray is holding "Freedom Fest" today, to celebrate Fourth of July. I'm actually really looking forward to it.[01/07/2011 17:37:38]
Sect day!
It's the day of the two -sects! They both have a double weakness to Fire
[30/06/2011 12:21:18]
I love this site, its so well done.
:D[29/06/2011 20:15:35]
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